~ chapter 1 ~

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My name is Kylie Williams and this is my story...

I used to live with my dad in our big lovely house, which was my mom's dream house.

Now, I live with my dad because my mom and my older sister are dead.

My mom died when I was eight years old. She had frontotemporal dementia, a shrinkage of the brain that leads to dementia and later to death. She died in the hospital, and my older sister died two years after my mom's death. They said that it was an animal attack. More specifically... a mountain lion.

My dad started drinking after that. There weren't many days when he was fully sober. Every time he got drunk, he forgot my name. When he was getting drunk, he used to call me Kyles, just like my mum did when she was alive. Sometimes I used to wonder if when he was drunk, he knew that mom and my sister, Khloe, died. Every month he used to do the grocery shopping in the supermarket and buy me something expensive. That was his way to make up for the big fights and all the bruises that were all over my body.

I was a singer in my school's chorus. Music was literally my whole life. It was me, my guitar and my voice. And my sister used to make these recitals for our parents when we were kids. I was playing my guitar and singing with my voice and she was dancing. She was an amazing ballet dancer. After de singing and dancing part, we were coming up with this theatre plays. We both were such amazing actresses.

"Kyles! Go and change your clothes!" I heard my dad's voice coming from the hallway. Sometimes, I used to be afraid of him. "We'll eat dinner tonight at one of my friend's house," he then added.

Dinner at a friend's house? I haven't heard that in years, more exactly two years. I went upstairs to my room and spent an hour choosing the best outfit that can cover all of my bruises. I put on a black silk jumpsuit with a black leather jacket and black boots with 6-inch heels. I did my make-up quickly, then covered all of my bruises that were visible and put my hair into a big messy ponytail, letting some hair shafts to flow on my face.

I went downstairs and when my dad saw me he became amazed.

"Wow!" he told me. "You look beautiful, Kylie."

"Thank you!" I replied. I knew that somewhere, inside that frozen heart, there was still love for his own little daughter.

We got in the car and he drove to a house nearby downtown. He didn't use to have friends who were living downtown. Or, so I thought.

We pulled into a driveway where was only a car. I softly opened the door of the car and closed it. My father knocked at the door and a woman came and opened the door. She smiled at us and then invited us in.

"Melissa, this is my daughter, Kylie! Kylie, this is my new boss, Melissa McCall." he made the introductions.

That woman looked familiar. Of course, she did! She was the nurse who took care of me while I was in the hospital waiting for my sister's autopsy.

"Nice to meet you, Kylie! I have a son around your age, but he isn't at home right now. He went to this recital organized by the school." she told me.

"You weren't supposed to sing at that recital?" my father asked me.

I completely forgot about the recital.

"It's not a big deal," I replied.

"Maybe I can drive you there since it is such an important recital as they said," she suggested to me.

I thanked her and then we got to her car.

I got to the school before the recital started, in time to perform the first song. I went to the changing room and I put on black silk and some black hills took my guitar and went on the stage.

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