~ chapter 3 ~

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"Thanks for taking me home!" I told the brown-haired guy after I got off his motorcycle.

"Sure! Any time!" he beamed. "Hey... Do you want to do something fun after school, tomorrow?" he asked .

"I can't tomorrow. I have guitar practice. So-..." I replied.

"Maybe I can come with you... only if I don't disturb you, of course," he proposed to me.

"Fine, but don't make too much noise, McCall, or I swear that I'm gonna kick you out. Deal?" I said laughing.

"Deal! Plus... maybe you should get in the Drama Class, too. You have lots of talent." he told me.


I entered the house and went to my bedroom to change into something more comfortable. My dad was working a night shift, so that was a night with no fights and no screams. I sat on my bed and watched some movies online. I heard some called the bell so I went to check who was at the door. It was Lydia at the door.

"You left with Scott McCall from the recital, didn't you?" she asked.

"Maybe I did... maybe I didn't," I answered with a big smile on my face.

"So... what happened?" she asked me more curious.

"Nothing. He just drove me home, that's all that happened," I replied to her.

"Did you want anything else to happen?"

"I don't know! Look... Allison was my friend as much as she was yours, okay? I can't do this to her, even if she died two weeks ago. They were each other's first love, should I remember you that?" I told her.

"She would be happy for the two of you. Actually... beyond happy," she assured me smiling.

"He offered to come with me to my guitar practice tomorrow," I inform her.

"Well... Then we should go upstairs and pick up something for you to wear." Lydia's fashion sense yelled inside her.

We ran upstairs and spent three hours talking about clothing options, make-up options, accessory and jewellery options, hairstyles options and so much more. We decided that I should wear a silk black mini skirt with a white top, a leather jacket and some high heeled black boots. I was going to put my hair in a messy fish tale and let some of the hair shafts fall over my face. For the make-up, we decided on a very natural one with a dark red matte lipstick. It was totally perfect.


When the morning came, I went straight to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth, took a shower, did my hair, put on my clothes and my boots, did my make-up and went downstairs to pick myself something for lunch. I took my guitar from my music room and got in what used to be my mom's car and drove to school.


Scott's P.O.V:

I arrived at school with my motorcycle and when I got off it, I saw Kylie getting off of her car. I went to say "Hi!" to her, but before I got there, Logan, Kylie's best guy friend, already got there.

"Hey, dude!" Stiles told me. "Problems in Paradise?" he asked me.

"Why would it be?" I asked him.

"Maybe because Kylie is talking to Logan and it makes you beyond jealous. Come on, Scott! Ask her out!" Stiles told me, but I wasn't listening to him. I was listening to Kylie's conversation with Logan.

"Aren't you coming to my swimming practice today?" he asked her.

"I can't. I have an impossible to miss guitar practice today. Maybe another time..." she replied to him.

"Okay! But remember... you owe me five with this one," he told her while he was living and laughing.

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