~ chapter 27 ~

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Scott's P.O.V:

The halls were silent until the CDC came. They asked us to stay in class. They thought that is an illness, smallpox.

Kylie wasn't feeling good at all. She told me that her stomach hurts and she felt like she was gonna throw up. I informed Ms. Martin about Kylie and she put her in quarantine with Sydney. I was so worried about her. We can't get sick. I didn't know what was going on with her and it was scary.

I was in quarantine with Ms. Martin and Sydney. She was covering Sydney with a blanket.

"We isolate the sick and then we wait for instructions. If I'm wrong, they'll be out of here pretty quickly, and then I'm the crazy biology teacher who panicked for nothing." Ms. Martin told me and then she left and went to check up on Kylie.

"Hey. You're gonna be okay." I tried to make Sydney feel better.

"It's not that. The PSATs, the qualifying tests for the National Merit Scholarship. My parents can't afford to send me to college without it." she told me with sadness in her voice.

"Well, I'm sure they'll let you take it again," I told her with confidence and then went to check up on Kylie.

I got there and saw Kylie half sleeping. She was visibly tired. I took her hand in mine and placed the other one on her forehead. Then I kissed her forehead and when I wanted to leave, Kylie squished my hand harder.

"Get some rest!" I whispered.

"No. I need to tell you something," she said tiredly.

"You're tired. You need to get some sleep." I told her while running my hand through her hair.

"In nine months, I'll get less sleep than I do right now," she said with a small smile on her lips.

"What did you mean with that?" I asked her surprised.

"Just... listen." she nodded her head with her other hand on her tummy.

I could hear one more heartbeat that was as powerful as Kylie's. I concentrated and realized that the heartbeat comes from her stomach.

"You're..." I said and she nodded. "We're gonna..." I said and she nodded again. "But we..." I started to say, but I remember that in the night with the full moon.

I was filled with emotions. I was happy because I was gonna be a father. I was worried that if anything happened to Kylie, it happened to the baby too. I was angry that she didn't tell me earlier. I was scared that I was gonna lose her and the baby if she gets sick.

"Are you okay?" she asked me worried.

"Yes! Yes!" I said happily. "We're gonna be parents of an amazing boy or girl," I added even happier.

I sat down on her bed, next to her, and smiling. I could listen to the baby's heartbeat and it was amazing.

"Looks like you told him." Ms. Martin said as she came in. "Scott, you need to go to the others. I'm gonna take good care of her. I swear on my life." Ms. Martin told me.

I kissed Kylie's forehead and then I went to the others.


Kylie's P.O.V:

I was lying on the green fresh grass at the observation point. I was looking at the sky, at the stars. It was peaceful and the full moon was rising on the night's sky. I was having my head on Scott's chest and I could hear his heartbeats. His heart was beating really fast. It was clear that he was anxious.

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