~ chapter 7 ~ {Scott's POV}

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"Please, Kylie! Open the door! We have to talk! Please..." I told her, but she wasn't opening the door.

I could get a werewolf scent from the inside. Maybe a werewolf was attacking her and she was pretty scared, but it was weird because I could hear only one heartbeat. After that I got to the final conclusion, Kylie was a werewolf and she had been that whole time.

"Kylie, listen to me. We need to talk, okay? Please..." I told her and then the door slowly opened.

I saw Kylie's eyes red and after that green. She was sitting on the floor trying to calm down herself. She was just staying in there and murmured three words.

"Alpha... Beta... Omega..." she started saying slowly.

I sat down next to her and I took her hands on mine. I started healing when I started looking in her eyes. I took her face on my hands and I deleted her tears.

"I am a monster!" she murmured.

"No, you're not, okay? Look at me! You're not a monster, okay? You're a werewolf, like me." and then my eyes turned into bright red.

"I killed her... I killed my own sister. It was a night with a full moon and I couldn't control myself. I killed Khloe. I am a killer. I am a monster." she told me while she was crying. I helped her to stand up from the floor and then I hugged her tightly.

"You're not a monster, okay?" I told her. "We should get you out of here before you have another breakdown," I told her after I took her hand.

We went to my motorcycle and left from the party.


We went to my house. My mom wasn't there. She was working a double shift like Kylie's father. We went to my bedroom and we sat down on the bed.

"I totally screwed it up. I screwed everything up," she told me.

"No, you didn't. You just lost your control underneath a full moon. It's okay!" I told her.

"It's not okay. I'm an Alpha. I should control myself. When I saw Logan punching you, I couldn't control myself. All I could think about was slashing his throat with my fangs. That's so not me," she told me after she put her head on my shoulder.

"How did you become an Alpha?" I asked her.

"Two years ago, there was this new Alpha in Beacon Hills, recruiting. He tried to recruit me, as he said that I was part of an unbelievably powerful family. But, one night, he tried to kill me, so I did everything I could and broke free. I killed him, it was self-defence," she explains

"Can I ask you a question?... How didn't I felt your scent, before?"

"It's because in childhood I was thought by someone how to cover my scent, how to disguise it from other werewolves," she replied. "Can I sleep over tonight?" she asked me.

"Of course you can!" I told her while I was looking into her beautiful green eyes. "I can borrow you a T-shirt if you want," I told her. I stood up and went to the commode and took a T-shirt and some shorts. I gave them to her and then I get out of the room to let her change.

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