~ chapter 14 ~ {Scott's POV}

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I grabbed Kylie's hand quickly as Araya Calavera let the six of us out of the building. Kylie clung to my side as tears from her eyes. The heat of Mexico hit me as I lightly kissed her hand and pulled her closer to me when we stopped at the edge of the building. Kira and Lydia were whispering to one another but I chose to ignore them as I moved Kylie's straight strawberry blonde hair out of her face.

"Are you alright, Kylie?" I whispered as Araya grabbed something and turned back to us with a shake of her head.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. A little bit dizzy, but fine," she replied.

"How did you know that I was going to say Kate's name?" I asked her while everyone else was looking at us.

"Exactly. I mean, did you know that the whole time?" Lydia asked her.

"When I turned the dial on you for the last time, the pain that you felt influenced me and my thoughts. Plus... It was obvious that she was talking about Kate Argent." I told them.

"How?" Stiles asked her.

"I read once that if a scratch is deep enough, it can turn you. Peter slashed Kate's throat, but he didn't kill her," she explained to us.

"So what? Now that Argent is like us?" Malia asked.

"She may be or she may be different. After you get the bite, you turn into something that reflects you and your personality. I was born like this, Scott became a Werewolf, Lydia became a Banshee..." she said.

"Jackson became a Kanima," Stiles added.

"Exactly," she says as Araya came to us.

"I've sent four of my best after, Kate. None of them ever returned." Araya told us as Kylie wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head in my side. "Let's see if you can do better," Araya smacked her lips as she stared us down.

Kira walked up to stand beside me and laid her head on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes but didn't move away, tilting my head and staring at Araya with a confused smile. Kylie looked up at me and frowned as she pulled away, crossing her arms awkwardly while looking down at her feet.

"You could have just told me that she was alive," I told Araya as I moved away from Kira and picked Kylie up by her waist.

It may seem like I'm not paying any attention to the situation but Kylie makes me feel like I have to prove myself to her. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and buried her face in my neck too. I smiled down at her as Kira scoffed and Lydia giggled from behind me. I squinted my eyes at Araya as I waited for her response to what I said.

"You wouldn't have believed me," was all she said as Kylie nodded into my neck.

She would have believed Araya and I wouldn't have but I would have believed Kylie. Araya motioned for everyone to move away before she started her next sentences. Kylie wouldn't let me go, though, and her body was still shaking in fear after what that just happened. Everyone else walked over to the jeep though and I kept my arms wrapped tightly around Kylie.

"I know what type of Alpha you are now, and I know what your next step is going to be," Araya told me as I raised an eyebrow and let Kylie lift her head from my shoulder to look at Araya.

Her eyes glowed a bright red and she growled at Araya before pulling my face to stare at her.

"Don't listen to her," she whispered at the same time I asked Araya what my next step would be.

Araya just laughed and looked at Kylie who unwrapped her legs from my waist and landed feet first on the ground.

"You will take the bite of an innocent, and make a wolf of your own. When you do that she will come knocking at your door," Kylie seemed to be reciting something she had heard as she stared at Araya with a frown.

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