~ chapter 24 ~

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I ran to school as quickly as I could when I found out that Scott was about to be beheaded by a Freshman after the Lacrosse match. Maybe if I were there it would have been better. In the last few days, most of my things were bad.

Liam and I go to the locker room where the whole thing happened. The boys were around the coach, telling them they could come the next day to get the equipment. There were many cops in high school. When I got to the corner, I saw Scott talking to his father. I was so glad she was okay. I do not know what I would have done if anything had happened.

"Dad, really, I'm okay," Scott told his father.

"I should've been here, and I said I would be at the games." Mr. McCall told Scott, feeling guilty.

"Well, I mean this was just a pre-season scrimmage. I did not even tell you about it." Scott tried to explain to his father that there was no problem he had not come to the game.

I was looking at the two of them and remembering me and Khloe. Every time she did not come to a recital, she felt extremely guilty. She always wanted to be there, first of all, admiring her sister playing piano or guitar, or just by voice.

"But I promised your mom I would be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should have been here." Mr. McCall explains to Scott.

"You're here now," Scott tells his father.

Deputy Parrish and Sheriff Stilinski come out of the booths of the boys. Parrish keeps Violet, Garett's girlfriend, in handcuffs. Apparently, she was the one who tried to decapitate Scott and hurt that Brett who was also on the list. Scott looks at Violet as Parrish moves, and after crossing the corner, he sees me and Liam.

"Sheriff, what's that? Is that the weapon?" Mr. McCall asked the Sheriff.

"Yeah, it's a thermo-cut wire," Stilinski replied.

"Parrish, hold up." Mr. McCall told Parrish after a few seconds.

After the two adults leave, I and Liam get close to Scott.

Thank God you're okay. I whispered in Scott's ear as I hugged him tightly to never let him go.

I'm fine ... We're fine. he told me as he walked his hands in my blond strawberry hair.

He kissed me, and I kissed him back, then we got back in his arms for a few seconds, then we turned to Liam, and Scott put his arm on my shoulder, and I put my arm around my waist his.

"Where's the others?" Scott asked us.

"Kira took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the Deadpool." I answered.

"Her mom's on it," Scott said.

"Everyone's on it," Liam added.

"You two are not," Scott told us.

"Not yet," Liam told Scott.

"As for me ... And I'm on the list, even her head this time," I told Scott.

"How much?" Scott asked me.

"Just as much as you. Twenty-five million." I answered.


Scott, Liam and I went into the locker room. Liam watched if anyone came while I and Scott were breaking the Garrett locker. After I broke it, Scott and I started to look into the locker. Scott noticed Garett's sports bag.

"I think someone's coming in. Hurry," Liam told us.

Scott opens the bag, and I see something strange.

"You find anything?" Liam asked us.

Scott and I look at the piles of money in Garett's bag, and then we turn our heads to Liam.

"No," I told him.

"Nothing," Scott added


Scott's P.O.V:

It's morning. Last night Kylie slept with me. She was too afraid to sleep at Derek's, and we were both worried about the other.

Kylie was still asleep, and I listened to my mother's conversation on the phone.

"I know that I'm a month late ... Three months ... Oh ... Are you sure it's for three months? ... Okay, I understand, but if you could just turn the power back on even for a few hours, that would be great. I have a refrigerator full of food that's going to go bad. And, obviously, I do not have the money to run out and replace $ 300 worth of groceries ... So ... I'm more than happy to beg." Mom said on the phone.

I stood on the edge of the bed listening to my mother's conversation, and then I looked at the money bag under my bed that I found in Garret's closet. Suddenly, I felt a hand walking on my left shoulder.

"Hey, are you all right?" she asked.

I turned to her and nodded.

"You know you can tell me everything you push, do not you?" she asked, and I nodded again. "Hey, I'm here. she said as she put her head on my shoulder.

I kissed her forehead, and then I looked into her eyes.

"You have no idea how lucky I am because I have you," I told Kylie and she smiled.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong with you? You reek of anxiety," she told me. "And without lying to me. And I realize when you lie," she added.

"My mom ... Now they cut the current. Tomorrow we can cut our water. He can not handle it anymore. Earlier he was talking on the phone with his power provider. He said he was three months late. She said she was willing to only ask for the current to start for a few minutes." I said, sighing at last.

"Hey! Look at me! Everything's going to be fine, just waiting and seeing. All things will sit in their place and we can be both normal teenagers." she said, comforting my cheek, then embracing me.

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