~ chapter 10 ~

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I woke up and all I could see was light. Nothing else besides it. Then I saw some big tree roots in the middle of that place. I saw a wolf and a woman coming closer to me. The wolf stepped up on the tree roots and the woman came right next to me. I looked at the woman's face and I recognize it. She was my mother. I looked at the wolf and it looked familiar too.

"Mom!" I said. After that, I also recognized the wolf. It was looking similar to the one from my dreams and flashes. "Aunt Talia!" I said then the werewolf's eyes changed into red as mine changed into red too and she howled.

"You have to find your cousin, Kylie!" my mom told me. "Find Derek! Make us proud of you! We know you can do this!" she continued. "You're gifted, Kylie. You can feel when your family is in pain or trouble, meaning your real family, the Hales," she added.

"But... How do I do that?" I asked them.

"The answer is inside you. Find it and help your cousin." my adoptive mother told me.

I woke up howling as loud as I could. I don't know why, but I did it. You maybe know the legends in which says that wolves howl to locate the other members of the pack, and the legend was true. I howled to locate Derek. My eyes turned into their bright red and back to their normal green.

"Mexico!" I murmured.

Scott came next to me, took my hand and asked me:

"What did you just say?"

"Derek! He's in Mexico," I told him breathing hard.


Scott drove me to his house. He wouldn't let me stay with my dad. He was worried about me. Melissa was at home when we got there. She was cooking lunch for her and Scott.

"Hey, mom! Would you mind if we have a guest at lunch today?" Scott asked his mother.

"Sure!" she replied and then turned and saw me pale and my bruises from my neck. "What happened to you?" she asked me.

"Her father," Scott answered.

I was planning to lie to her but he got the chance to say what happened before I did.


We spent the whole afternoon discussing school and sports and colleges. I enjoyed the family with the McCalls. They were so kind to me. Melissa even let me stay over that night.

"Mom! Tomorrow morning me, Stiles, Kylie and Lydia are going on a trip. We're going camping in Mexico." Scott told to his mother.

"Enjoy it! Mexico is great. Have you ever been to Mexico, Kylie?" Melissa asked me.

"I don't remember to. Since my mom's death, I didn't leave the state," I told her.


After we finished dinner, Scott and I went to his room.

"Can you borrow me something to wear?" I asked him and he looked at me smiling. "What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I was just wondering why did he do that to you," he told me.

"I stopped wondering this a long time ago," I told him and then I looked at the floor.

He came near me and took my face in his face and kissed me. Then he kissed the bruise from my neck and looked back in my eyes and then I got closer to him. I sat down on his lap and we continued to kiss. When we were kissing, I felt like someone really loved me and cared about me.

"Are you sure?" he asked me and I nodded while I was biting my bottom lip.

the hale daughter -scott mccallWhere stories live. Discover now