~ chapter 18 ~

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I was awoken by a hushed whisper as Deaton and Lydia went to work trying to figure out what was wrong with Derek. I wouldn't be much help to them considering I fall overdoing anything that isn't dancing. Deaton was holding a scalpel over Derek's chest though and Lydia's hands were on Derek's shoulders, holding him down. Suddenly Deaton placed it down before moving to grab something else with Lydia's help. My eyes were still blurry after sleeping and having no contacts in so I stood up and grabbed my glasses out of my backpack. The air seemed to grow cold as I twisted around to watch Derek stand up with his claws out.

"No," I whispered as I lunged forward and pushed him away from Lydia and Deaton. "Derek? Are you alright?" I asked calmly as my hands shook in fear.

His breathing and heartbeat grew heavy as he placed his hands over his ears and shook in place. Something wasn't right about this situation... I mean other than the fact Derek isn't actually a sixteen-year-old boy. Not anymore. I didn't have the time need to react as Derek steps forward and swung, his claws meeting my left cheek but leaving nothing more than a deep scratch that was already healing. Lydia gasped and jumped back with Deaton at her side as the boy took off out of the clinic.

"Um, one of you two is telling Scott what happened, right?" Lydia just shrugged before running a hand through her hair and giving me an expectant look.

I just stared back and shook my head as Deaton walked around the metal table to look at something.

"You have to call and tell Scott, Kyles. He is going to be mad if he hears it from me or Deaton." Lydia laughed as I rolled my eyes and pulled out my cell phone.

I glared at her before muttering that I would be right back as I stepped outside of the clinic and leaned against the wall. Hesitating, I dialled Scott's number and waited for him to pick up. It never happened though as the phone went straight to voicemail and I slammed my head against the wall. Scott would be in history right now, there is no way he is going to answer his phone. So instead of calling him again, I typed a text to Stiles knowing he would find a way to get Scott to call me back immediately. It was only thirteen minutes until my phone rang and Scott's name popped up on the screen.

"Hi, Scott! Can you come to the animal clinic?" I asked him.

Lydia and Deaton motioned me over as soon as I walked back into the building. I assume they wanted to look at my wounds but there was nothing to see by this point.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I smiled as I lifted myself to sit on the metal table. Deaton sent me a small smile and then sighed as he asked Lydia to leave the two of us alone for a minute.

She did but not before sending the two of us a confused look.

"I knew your mother and father before they gave you up for adoption. They did it because Derek's mother made them, your father wasn't fit for children and your mother was very near death. I'm not going to tell you who they are but be sure to talk to Derek as soon as he gets well again. He can explain all of this better than I can." Deaton sighed as I shrugged and looked down at my faded combat boots.

Hearing all this is weirder than I thought it would be and I just wanted to forget it all. Thankfully that was the same time Scott and Stiles entered the room with Lydia trailing behind them.

"Are you alright?" Scott asked as he rushed over to me with a concerned smile.

I just shrugged not wanting to say that I can take care of myself. That was Allison's thing, she didn't need anyone to look after her and everyone knew that. Saying the same thing she always said would bring a sadness that wasn't needed here, not right now.

"What's going on, Deaton?" Scott's chocolate brown eyes left mine as he turned to give Deaton a confused and concerned smile.

"I don't think that Derek is just younger physically. I think he is younger mentally." Deaton sighed as Stiles pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at it in concern.

He didn't say anything though and just listened as Deaton continued to talk.

"He didn't recognize Lydia or me and he looked scared out of his mind." Lydia walked over to me as he told Scott these things and gestured for me to get off the table.

"He also seemed to recognize Kylie, he looked at her as if he knew her."

Okay, now that is just a bit creepy.

"So if you were a scared teenage werewolf, where would you go?" Stiles asked as I closed my eyes and imagined myself in Derek's shoes.

If I was him then I would want to go home, somewhere I would know I was safe. Only, young Derek no longer has a home that he knows about.

"I mean, don't wolves go back to their dens?" both Scott and I nodded in response to Stiles's question before I began shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably.

Something about this just didn't seem right.

"Oh my gosh! He's going back to the old Hale house. The state is currently tearing it down. He is going to be crushed and so confused because he won't remember the fire," Lydia and I spoke in sync as we realized what was going to happen.

It was kinda freaky how the two of us spoke at the exact same time, using the exact same words but it made me giggle. Lydia didn't seem to think it was amusing though as she gave me a stern look. I just shrugged as I gracefully spun my way over to Scott and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Kylie and I could try to catch up with him," Scott informed everyone was he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

I nodded against his chest in agreement. We could run faster than any of them and thought it would be faster for Stiles to just drive there, he needed to go inform his dad on what was happening. I'm sure he will be mad about Mexico but this is way more important.

"I mean, if we go now then we should be able to catch him."

"Say you do catch him, what are you going to say? Are you just going to tell him that his whole family is dead?" Lydia asked as Scott moved back but kept his arms around me.

I yawned slightly as Lydia and Deaton sent us concerned looks. I could understand why. How are we supposed to tell a sixteen-year-old boy that his family is dead when he has no memory of it happening?

This is something that will turn out perfect; there are so many things that could go wrong with a plan like this.

"I have to tell him. I don't think any of us can lie to him." Scott started but stopped as Stiles felt to need to inform him that yes, he could lie to Derek. "I mean remember that he can hear our heartbeat rising." That was true but I am a very good liar, I could lie to Derek easily but I won't.

It is weird enough that he is younger than he should be; it would be even weird to tell him that his family is out of town and just forgot him or something stupid like that. Time seemed to slow as I pulled away from Scott and gave Lydia a smile.

"When we find him, we tell him the truth."

"If he gets to the house first, you won't have to." Deaton sighed as I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my now messy hair.

I can't imagine how he will feel when he reaches the rumble of his once beautiful home. I'm sure he won't understand what is going on but I wouldn't expect him to.

"You should probably head out now if you want to stop the destruction that is about to happen," Deaton informed both Scott and me as we nodded in agreement before saying goodbye and taking off out of the clinic.

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