~ chapter 32 ~

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I was in the Tezcatlipoca Temple in Mexico, where Kate brought Scott and me. I was laying on the floor, with my hands on my tummy and listening to the baby's heartbeat that was taking my mind away. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise surrounding the room and I stood up. I saw a Berserker and got scared. It came at me and caught me by my neck. I looked at it and saw two bands tattoo, just like Scott's.

"Scott?" I whispered.

The Berserker, who actually was Scott, threw me in the air and I fell on the floor.

"I'm going to have to do a better job of covering that up." I heard a female voice.

I slowly stood up and saw Kate standing next to Scott.

"What did you do to him?" I asked her annoyed by her person.

"How. That's-That's the better story." she said laughing. "You see, when I first got away from the Calaveras, I had no idea where to go. But something kept pulling me here, to the temple of Tezcatlipoca. His name means 'smoking mirror' and this place is a temple of the smoking mirror. Obsidian. When I got here, I found the Berserkers waiting for me. They helped me survive. I didn't know quite why until just recently. Until I decided to trust someone I never thought I'd trust. It was then that I found out I could not only control the Berserkers, but I could create them. They call me La Loba. 'The Bone Woman.' We let you out because I needed to test his loyalty." she told me. "Did you know that Scott became an Alpha without having to kill anyone?" she asked and I nodded. "He's been through quite a lot without ever having to kill. I think it's time to change that," she said, smiling.

"No, Scott. No, Scott, no." I said as Scott came at me and threw me in the air again. "Scott, this isn't you," I said again, gasping. "This isn't the Scott I know and love." I sighed. "Are you actually gonna kill me? Are you gonna actually gonna kill that innocent life that's developing inside me?" I asked him.


"Scott? Kylie?" I heard a known voice saying, Stiles' voice.

Then, I saw a torch fixed on me.

"Oh. Are you okay?" he asked me as he helped me stand.

"It's Scott. Stiles, it's Scott." I mumbled.

"What?" he asked me, not understanding what I was talking about.

"The Berserker. It's him. Kate did it." I said again.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me as I caught a breath.

"She made him into one of them. I don't know how, but it's him. If they don't know it, they could kill him." I said, heavy breathing.

"That's why Lydia's not here," he mumbled for himself.

"They won't know they're killing Scott," I said.


"No, wait, wait. Malia, wait!" Stiles yelled as we ran into the room.

"It's Scott. It's Scott." I said as I caught my breath.

Kira came to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and then pulled away. I went next to my sister and stood by her side.

"Scott?" I said.

Scott went to Liam and took him by his neck.

"Scott, don't! Scott, it's me. Scott." Liam said as Scott pinned him by one of the walls. "Scott, Scott, listen, listen, listen! You're not a monster! You're a werewolf! Like me." Liam said as he glowed his golden eyes.

Scott made a step back and looked at Liam for another few seconds, then he pulled out the mask, screaming. After he did it, he looked at Peter.

"You. The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power." Scott said and shifted.

"For my family's power. To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he won't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power. Not power like this." Peter said.

Malia went to attack him, but Peter threw her in the air and she fell. I ran to her and helped her.

"Oh, sorry, sweethearts, we'll talk about this later," Peter told Malia and me.

"Kylie!" Scott said, looking at me.

"You were my Beta first, Scott. It was my bite that changed your life. And my bite that can end it." Peter told Scott as he shifted, too.

"Then, end it, Peter. Because you won't get another chance." Scott said confidently.

The two started fighting and the fight was very intense. They were both good at it and they both wanted to win.

"Come on, Scott. Come on!" Peter yelled at Scott and he went against him. "Pathetic. Fight like an Alpha, Scott," he added.

They both continued fighting and Peter caught Scott a little on edge.

"You want to defeat me? You're going to have to kill me!" Peter told Scott.

Scott roared and put Peter down.

"You were never an Alpha, Peter. But you were always a monster." Scott told Peter.


The sun was up in the sky and we all were heading out.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back. But be careful." Argent warned us.

"You're really going with them?" Scott asked him.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you alone. All of you." Chris said looking around at our pack. "But only if I help them catch Kate," he added.

"What if you can't?" I asked him.

"I'll find her. Someone has to," he replied, sending me a smile, then he turned around and left.

Scott side-hugged me and then kissed my forehead. The others came near us and watched as Argent left with the Calaveras. Then, Scott looked at Derek who gave him a smile and nodded. Scott nodded back and then he looked at me, letting me know that I could go and talk to Derek. I went to Derek and he pulled me in a hug and hugged me tightly. When we pulled away, he was still having his arms around me and so did I. He kissed my forehead and then smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded.

"Congratulations on your evolving!" I said happily. "Now I'm not the only freak in the family who can shift into an actual wolf," I said, laughing at the end.

He hugged me again and I hugged him back.

"Stay safe and out of trouble as much as possible," he told me smiling.

"You too!" I said. "Don't ever forget that the Loft is both of our home," I said smiling.

"I know!" he said as he pulled away. "Love you, Kyles!" he told me.

"Love you, too, Der," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "To the moon and back!" I added.

I hugged him once more and then went back to the others.


We entered the McCall House and saw Melissa sitting at the table.

"Thank God that you're both okay!" she said as she hugged us.

We hugged her back and then she pulled away and kissed each of our foreheads.

"My son and sweet daughter are fine," she said and that caught me a little off guard.

"Daughter?" I asked her shocked.

"You are part of the family!" she told me smiling.

"Am I?" I asked her, still surprised.

"Yes, you are!" she said smiling. "Come here!" she told me and then hugged me.

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