~ chapter 4 ~ {Scott's POV}

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We entered a big building with white walls and instruments everywhere.

"This is the place where I practice the guitar ever since I was little. It makes me feel free, you know, like..."

"You're disconnected to the exterior world," I added.

"Exactly! Wow, McCall! You surprised me. I didn't know that you can be so deep sometimes." she told me with a little smile.

She took her guitar and sat on a little chair.

"So... because you are my only audience and you are the second person who I brought here since my sister's death... you pick the song," she told me.

"Who was the first person who you brought here since your sister's death?" I asked curiously.

"Allison. She used to come without telling me every night before a recital when I was practising the whole night. She was staying exactly where you're staying right now and waited until I was finishing the song." she told me. "Okay... are you going to take a sit and pick a song or what?" she asked me.

"I think that you should pick the song because I don't know if you know the song that I have in my mind right now," I replied.

"Well, say it."

"Give me love, by Ed Sheeran. I heard the song a couple of days ago on the radio and I thought that it was amazing." I told her.

"That's my favourite song," she said smiling. I liked to see her smiling. It kinda made me smile.

While she was singing I was looking at her face. It was completely changed. She was having this big smile on her face and her cheeks were blushing. Sometimes she was closing her eyes and she was singing with more passion. You could see that she was putting feelings in it.

After she finished singing the song she looked straight into my eyes and I was looking in hers. I started getting closer and closer to her, but we were interrupted by her phone which started ringing before I got the chance to kiss her.

"Sorry, but I have to take it. It's my dad," she told me.

"It's okay!" I told her.

"Hi, dad!... No, I am at Marline's studio. I was practising... No, she's not in here. It's only me... Okay, dad!... Bye! I'm sorry. Where were we?"

"Your phone started ringing while..." I started.

"Do you want to try again? This time I promise that it won't ring." Kylie told me.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked her and she nodded. "I have been having a crush on you since the beginning of my Sophomore year and your Freshman year. Do you remember how we first met?"

"You were staying by your locker when I came and asked you where is the English classroom," she told me.

"Do you remember the date?" I asked her.

"Yes! It was on the 5th of September. Exactly today." she replied. We were getting closer to each other. "Can I ask you a question, too?" she asked me then and I nodded. "Don't you feel like we are betraying Allison?" she asked me. "I mean... she was your first love and she was my best friend. I don't think we can do this to her," she added.

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