~ chapter 6 ~

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Scott walked me home. On the way to my house, we talked about what happened between us in the Music Classroom.

"So... What are you saying about you being my date at Lydia's party?" he asked me.

"Are you serious?" I asked amazed.

"What? Did I say something wrong, or what?" he asked me nervously.

"No, you didn't! I'd love to." I told him by the time we get in front of my house's porch. "Do you want to come in? My dad works a double shift today so he's not at home, and probably, If we would of be home, he would probably be drunk or something and acting like I don't exist so..." I told him after I opened the door. He came in and closed the door. I went to the kitchen to see if we had something to drink. "Do you want some orange juice?" I asked him.

"Yes! So... You're living with your dad in this big house. It's two times mine!" he said shocked.

"It was my mom's dream house. She designed everything. From the furniture in the living room to the garden, she drew, designed and made all of them. I remember that she used to stay sometimes all night up, drawing. I was six at that time. Every time I was coming back from school I was going into our's old house library and I used to sit next to my mother and watch her drawing all day long." I explained to him.

"How was she like?" he asked me and I turned a little bit sad. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"It's okay! She was... amazing! She was waking up at five a.m in the morning to cook and wash all of our clothes and to iron our clothes. She was an amazing cooker. She thought me and my sister to cook since we were kids. She also loved to draw. She opened even a drawing school before she died, but my dad needed to close it to pay for the funeral. She used to tell me stories and do my hair. She used to let me and my sister do her make-up. It was always looking like a mess, but she still loved it." I said starting crying.

Scott took my hand and then hugged me.


After I stopped crying, Scott left and I went upstairs to prepare myself for Lydia's party. We agreed that he should come and pick me up at seven. I went to my room and picked up a black and white silk dress with sleeves. I put on some black heels and put my hair in an elegant ponytail. I did a simple nude make-up and got my nails done also in a French style with nude and white. I put on some bracelets and a necklace.

Scott was in front of my house's porch. In his right hand, he was having a hamlet for me. We were going to Lydia's party with his motorcycle.


When we got there, everyone was dancing, drinking and having fun. That night was a full moon and I didn't know if I could stay there.

"Do you want to dance?" Scott asked me.

"Sure! Why not?"  I said shyly.

He took my hand and we went nearby Lydia's pool from her back yard to dance. It was a romantic song. He started dancing and we danced until Lydia came because she wanted to talk to me. We entered her house and took a sit in the kitchen.

"What's happening between you and Scott?" Lydia asked me.

"Nothing, okay! We just... met on your driveway." I lied to her.

"Kyles, I know you well enough and I know him well enough and I can tell you that you can see from how many miles away you want that something is going between the two of you," Lydia told me and she was right.

She knew me and Scott well enough to realize that something was happening between the two of us, but I didn't know that kissing Scott was real or was just a dream.


We heard a scream from outside and they weren't happy screams. They were scared of death screams. They were coming from the party. I and Lydia went out to check what just happened and when we got there we saw Logan punching  Scott and nobody understood why. I tried to back Logan off, but I couldn't do that. My heart started pounding so fast from my madness that I almost shapeshift in front of everybody.

"Enough!" Stiles screamed. "Logan! Back off! You don't really want to get hurt."


When I realized that I started shifting, I ran to Lydia's bathroom from the ground floor. I locked the door and I tried to calm down.

"Alpha... Beta... Omega... Alpha... Beta... Omega... Alpha... Beta... Omega... Alpha... Beta... Omega!" I said until I calmed down.

Somebody was knocking at the door. I could get very well the scent of blood mixed with a known scent...

"Kylie! Open the door, please?" a male voice said. I recognized Scott's voice but I didn't open the door. "Please, Kylie! Open the door! We have to talk! Please..."

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