~ chapter 23 ~

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Scott's P.O.V:

I was with Stiles and Kira in Coach's office, searching for the Lacrosse stick of the killer. We looked at the bottom of every Lacrosse stick that we found in Coach's office, but nothing.

"This... This is pointless. Most of the team plays with their own gear." I told them.

"Maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game cancelled?" Kira suggested.

"The game's the best way to catch him red-handed," I told her.

"But what if he's red-handed 'cause his hands are covered in the blood of the person that he just stabbed to death? Which, by the way, could be either of you guys." Stiles told us.

"Or Liam," I added sighed. "Well, we don't have the whole list and he could be on it," I added.

"We don't know anything about that list. How it's made, how it's updated. I mean, who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway?" Stiles asked us concerned.

"How do they even know about me?" Kira asked.

"They know about everyone," I muttered.

"I think Kira's right. I think we should stop the game." Stiles agreed with Kira.

"I'm not afraid," I told them.

"Neither am I," Kira told us.

"Well, I'm terrified. And I'm not even on the list. Guys, these are professional killers. It's their profession. One of them's got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have?" Stiles told us.


Kylie's P.O.V:

I was in the School's yard, reading some books that I found in Derek's loft about Supernatural creatures and one that I took from the library about codes when the guys from Devenford Prep came. Liam came outside and I could catch the scent of his anger and it was a very prominent scent of anger which was meaning that Liam was very angry. Mason followed him and when I saw that Liam was going to the guys from Devenford Prep, I went to stop him.

"Liam, wait," I whispered, knowing that he heard me.

"What, no, no, no, no," Mason told Liam.

"Liam," I whispered again.

"Brett!" Liam said to the guy from Devenford Prep.

"Ah, here we go," Mason said breathing heavily.

"I just wanted to say... Have a good game," Liam said politely, trying to control his anger.

I turned my head and I saw Scott and Stiles looking at us. That Brett guy laughed in his face and Liam turned a little sad.

"That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished the Coach's car." Brett reproached Liam.

At that moment I could feel Liam's anger growing bigger and bigger by every second.

"I paid for it," Liam told them filled with anger.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for it. We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault." Brett told Liam.

I went next to Liam and put my arm on his shoulder and then whispered to him to calm down.

"Hey, Liam! You finally found a girl that accepts you with your anger issues. Be careful or he will rip your car." Brett told Liam after me.

"Hey, Prep boy. What about me kicking your little arrogant prep ass back into your prep school. Plus, I'm not dating Liam. I'm dating the team captain, Scott. And even if I date Liam, he is nicer and smarter than you are and he doesn't make me wanna kick his ass because he's not such a jerk as you are." I told Brett getting angrier by second, but Scott and Stiles came and before I did something that could get me in my wolf form, Scott took my hand in his and I calmed down.

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