~ chapter 2 ~ {Scott's POV}

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The recital started and I saw a light brown haired girl with green eyes and a beautiful black dress stepping out on the stage. She was Kylie, she used to be in Lydia's group of friends because she was as beautiful as Lydia was and as smart as Lydia was. She was the only Sophomore who was taking Junior classes and who was going to do only three years of high school.

I noticed her at the begging of my Sophomore year. At that time she was starting her Freshman year. I had a crush on her ever since then, but in the second semester Allison came and I started falling for her too.

Allison and Kyles used to be friends before Allison died. They were the two best friends of Lydia and they were like sisters. After Allison's death, meaning two weeks before the recital, we stopped talking, but I don't know why.

Kyles started singing and her voice was filling the whole room.

"Isn't that the girl whose sister died about six years ago?" Stiles asked me.

"Yes! She is!" I replied to him.

"She's looking kinda beautiful and she has a great voice," he told me, but I wasn't listening. I was listening to Kylie's voice and her guitar's song. "Dude... Why aren't you talking to her?" he asked me.

"It's not that easy... plus Kira is here and she can hear, so... the answer is 'No!'," I told him.

"Man! That girl is in my Biology class. She is damn hot!" I could hear a male voice coming from behind me. Obviously, I realized that they were talking about Kylie and I have to admit that they were kinda right.

"Why are we here?" Malia turned to me and asked me.

"Because we should enjoy the time in which we haven't been hunted or killed. Don't you think that too?" I replied to her.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a text from my mom.

'Take Kylie Williams home after the recital, please.


"What's with that face of yours, Mr. Loverman?" Stiles asked me, winking jokingly.

"Nothing!" I lied to him and he didn't know that I was lying, because he couldn't hear my heartbeats.


After the recital, I went to Kylie to talk to her.


"Hey, McCall! What's up?" she asked me.

"Nothing. Just, my mom texted me that I need to take you home, so..." I told her.

"Oooo... Yeah! Can you wait a little bit? I have to get my clothes from backstage. You can come with me... Obviously... Only if you want..." she said a little bit excited.


I went with her backstage.

"When did you start playing the guitar?" I asked her.

"Good question! Well... Let's see! I got my first guitar when I was four and my first guitar class was when I was five, so that makes eleven years ago." She told me.

"Wow! That was a long time ago!" I said impressed.

"Yeah! It was. My sister was the one who enrolled me in guitar classes. She was walking me to them every day after school. She was amazed. She used to call me 'natural talent'. She also used to say at my first big concert as a big singer she would be there. In the first sits, watching her little sister showing to everyone else her talent," she said a little bit sad.

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