~ chapter 15 ~ {3rd person POV}

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"Scott... I don't feel very well." Kylie whispered to Scott as she pressed her face further into Scott's chest.

He didn't say anything and continued to run his hands through Kylie's messy strawberry blonde hair and looked out on the jeep's window.

"All I want is to find Derek and go home," she added as she pulled herself farther up on the seat.

Scott checked Kylie's tattoo and it was still half visible.

Jealousy blazed around them as the two of them continued to whisper to each other in a carefree manner. Kira tried to ignore the two from the passenger seat but flames danced in her eyes at what she was witnessing. Lydia and Stiles were simply smirking as they mentally screamed because their best friends finally realized what they wanted. Malia and Braeden, on the other hand, had no idea what was happening as they drove the two motorcycles behind the jeep.

"Come on, Kylie. Stop acting like a lovesick puppy. Admit it, you only like Scott because I like him." Kira told Kylie while she was laughing harshly at Kylie's words as the jeep sputtered in a way that worried the passengers.

Kylie bit her bottom lip and moved away from Scott and closer to Lydia who held let her lean against her. Scott's eyes met the cold ones of Kira who was smirking at the reaction she had caused. That was until her eyes landed on Kylie's tear-filled eyes and regret began to form. She didn't really know if Kylie felt that way because she did but she was angry at the teen Alpha Hale Wolf.

"What did I do?" Kylie's bottom lip trembled as she hid in her hands. 

Scott glared at Kira and then Stiles as his jeep stalled in the middle of nowhere. Lydia just rolled her eyes though as she glared at Kira and commanded her to get out. Scott clenched his hands at his side as he stopped himself from reaching out to Kylie, and followed the two girls out of the jeep.

"I'm sorry, Kira. This isn't what it seems like it is." Kylie whispered to the taller girl as she pushed past her to stand beside Braeden who was nervously tapping her foot.

"We need to go. It will be getting really dark soon." Braeden spoke as she looked down at Kylie then at Scott.

"Leave the other teenagers and follow Kylie and me to the church." Kylie's left hand was grabbed by Braeden as she led her over to the motorcycle.

The sixteen-year-old raised an eyebrow at Scott who looked over at Stiles to make the decision. Finally, he nodded but walked over and picked Kylie up by her waist and put her by his bike. She simply rolled her eyes and looked over at Lydia with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Fine, but Kylie will ride with me," Scott told Braeden as Lydia and Stiles walked over to see what was wrong with the jeep. 

Malia and Kira moved to stand in front of it as the two whispered to each other quietly. The Were-coyote was only half listening to what the Fox was saying about Kylie though. Malia felt a bond with Kylie even though she had only known her for two days and, surprisingly, she cared about what the younger girl thought. She'd never guess why she was feeling this way but it was something that would surprise the both of them, especially when the truth did come out. 

"Actually, I think I'm going to stay with Lydia. I still feel a little shaken up." Kylie informed Scott quietly as she wrapped her arms around his waist to give him a quick hug.

It was the truth for the most part. Kylie really did feel shaken up from what had just happened to her and what she had to do but she was also afraid of what Kira just said. Now the question repeating it's self in her mind was one she thought she really knew the answer to. Did Kylie really like Scott or was it just a trick her mind was playing on her? She moved away from Scott and gave him a small smile as the others tried to ignore the two.

"Oh, alright. I'll see you soon then," the teen wolf half-smiled at the girl as he shifted from foot to foot.

Her green eyes met his brown ones and he had to smile at her. 

No matter how much he wanted to be with her at all times, this was for the best. After what just happened, he didn't expect Kylie to want to be around him at all. The whole thing made him wonder exactly why the sixteen-year-old was fine with beginning mixed up in all this. His guess would never be close to the truth, though.

"Yeah, of course," Kylie smiled as she listened to Scott's heartbeat speed up.

She didn't say anything though as she reached over and grabbed Scott's helmet.

"Stay safe," the sixteen-year werewolf whispered as she kissed his cheek and handed it over to the taller boy.

Smiling, he took it but laid it back on the seat of the motorcycle as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

Kylie smiled back at him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. Kylie tilted her head up though, and Scott ended up kissing the tip of her nose.

"I will." Scott laughed as the two moved away from each other awkwardly. 

Kylie's face was blood red as she nodded and quickly walked over to Lydia who was giggling. Shaking her head, Kylie smacked the back of Lydia's head before leaning against the jeep and watching Scott as he put on his helmet. The boy sent her a smile as he got on the motorcycle and sped away after the girl Kylie grew up loving like a sister. Lydia smirked at her best friend and nudged her with her elbow as she said the one thing everyone was thinking.

Lydia smirked at her best friend and nudged her with her elbow as she said the one thing everyone was thinking.

"I expect Scylie to be a thing soon because you two are the cutest couple that isn't a couple."

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