~ chapter 31 ~ {Scott's POV}

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I came home from work to find my mom in the kitchen. As I was explaining to her that I got extra hours to earn more money, I saw that she found the duffle bag of cash.

"How much more did you need?" she asked me.

I explained that I found the money in Garret's locker. She asked me if I was keeping Derek's money safe for him in a gym bag underneath my bed. I didn't quite know how to reply, so she asked me how long I've had it.

"Too long," I told her.

She told me that I had to give it back, and I said that I was going to.

"Do I wanna know why you haven't?" she asked.

I looked at the money and said that it's because of her. She realized that it's because we've been struggling.

"Scott, you can save people's lives, but you cannot save them from life. Life is full of struggle," she told me and I shook my head.

"But it doesn't have to be."

I picked up a stack of money and said that that one could get us a new roof. Another one could pay for Stiles' MRI. A third could pay for the Eichen House. The fourth meant she didn't have to work double shifts and come home exhausted.

She gave me a look and picked up a stack of bills covered in blood.

"What about this one?" she asked me.

I nodded my understanding that I couldn't profit because of the Deadpool.


Kylie's P.O.V:

Scott called me that morning, telling me that he had something important to tell Derek and me, so I invited him over.

Derek and I were sitting on the couch and suddenly, Scott put Garret's bag on the coffee table.

"Okay. Don't you wanna know why it took so long to return it?" Scott asked Derek and me.

"How much do you make at the Animal Clinic?" Derek asked Scott.

"Minimum wage," he replied.

"That's why. Everyone can be tempted, Scott." Derek told Scott.

"Even a True Alpha," I added.

"You're not angry?" Scott asked Derek and I surprised.

"It's not even ours. It belongs to Peter." Derek told Scott.

"Where's your money?" he asked us.

"You're standing on it," Derek told Scott.

Scott looked confused at the floor and then looked back at Derek and me.

"There's another vault?" he asked Derek and me.

"No. We own the building, dumbass." I replied smirking. "And we have our own bank accounts. All the money from the vault was Peter's." I added, smiling.

"I think we'd actually be better off if the rest never came back," Derek said and I nodded.

"I know Lydia was here last night. Deaton's still working on figuring out what Kate did to you. If anyone can find an answer, it's him." Scott said and I looked at them confused, not knowing what the hell were they talking about.

I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the clock.

"Guys, sorry, but I gotta go!" I told them. "Doctor appointment and I need to get in there without Melissa seeing me, so," I told them.

I stood up from the couch and kissed Derek's cheek.

"Don't die!" I told him.

Then I went to Scott and pecked his lips.

"And you, see you later," I told him.

"Text me after you finish." I heard him saying as I exited the loft.

"Okay!" I yelled.


I went to the front desk and asked the nurse about Dr. Geyer, a good friend with my dad and Liam's stepdad. She showed me to the room and I entered it, quite scared.

"Kylie Hale, nice to see you," he told me as he hugged me. "How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"Good!" I said smiling.

I sat down as he checked on me and the baby.

"Everything seems fine," he said smiling. "The heart rate and blood pressure are good. It is growing fine. It's gonna be a healthy baby." he told me smiling.

We went to his office and sat down at the desk.

"Morning sicknesses?" he asked me.

"Okay! Not as bad as I expected." I replied.

"The meals?" he asked.

"I'm eating three main meals and two snacks between them," I replied.

"Kicks?" he asked.

"This morning was the last time this week. The baby kicks almost every day." I said smiling. "My cousin and I like to think that the baby's gonna be into Basketball and Lacrosse," I added laughing.

"Good thing for the baby!" he said smiling. "Does Melissa know?" he asked me.

"Scott and I are planning on telling her as soon as we can. I would like to tell all my family and friends at once." I replied.

"Everything seems normal," he said. "Let's talk about the birth," he said.

At that moment I was very scared. I didn't think about that.

"No C-section," I said shaking my head.

"Okay!" he replied smiling. "We'll talk about the rest later."


"Doesn't look like Derek's home," I said entering the Loft.

"He's not," he told me.

"Then how come we're stopping here first?" I asked confused by the situation.

"You'll see," he said smiling.

"I can't see anything. Can you turn on the lights?" I asked him.

"Yeah, actually, I need you to do that."

He took my hand and rotate the light bulb and in that second, other light bulbs started lighting. I looked at him smiling, then I kissed him.

"I have a surprise for you, too," I told him as I pulled back.

"What is that?" he asked me smiling.

I took out of my pocket the picture from the Sonogram and handed it to Scott.

"Is this..." he tried to say, but he was speechless.

"Yes, it is," I said smiling. "Look!" I said pointing at the little human in the picture.

He was smiling from an ear to another. He was speechless. I looked at him smiling.

"What?" I asked him.

"The baby. It seems so small," he said smiling.

"It is, but, by the due date, it will be bigger and we can hold the baby," I told him happily.

"What if it falls out of my arms?" he asked me.

"It won't," I said smiling and then kissed him.

Suddenly, we heard a strange noise and looked around. We saw Kate and her Bone-men and at that moment, I could feel a sharp pain and my vision got black.

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