~ chapter 30 ~

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"Are you okay?" Scott asked me.

"Right now? Very." I told him smiling as we were surrounded by Satomi's pack who I found in the woods earlier that day.

"Did you find him? Did you find Brett?" Scott asked me.

"Actually, I think I found all of them," I said as they came out. "Satomi, this is who I was telling you about," I told Satomi.

"I know who Scott McCall is," Satomi told me.

"Are we safe here?" Lori, Brett's sister, asked us.

"We're gonna need help," Scott said.

"A lot of help," I added nodding.


We entered Argent's warehouse and Satomi's pack was a little scared. Suddenly, Argent came in and Brett started growling.

"Wait! Wait! Brett! This is his place. It's his." I calmed Brett down.

"Scott, Kylie... If you bring in guests, you could have called." Argent informed us.

"I didn't have anywhere else to take them," Scott said and I nodded, agreeing with him.

"I know this man. He may not remember, but we've met before." Satomi spoke up, looking at Argent.

"You can trust him. We trust him." Scott said, referring to him and me.

"How do we know he's not like the others?" Satomi asked.

"What others?" Argent asked us.

"Last night, there was a whole team after them. And they used crossbows." I informed Argent.

"They're hunters, aren't they?" Scott asked worriedly.

"Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore." Argent replied.

"Can they find us?" Brett spoke up.

"They might already know you're here. Maybe they're waiting for dark." Argent replied.

"So we're not safe here?| I asked Argent worried as I put my hand on my stomach.

Scott looked at me and put his arm around my shoulders, side-hugging me. He knew that I was worried about the little heart that was beating inside me.

"We're not safe anywhere. We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us." Satomi replied with a sad voice.

"If they're coming, Scott, they're coming for you two, too. You two are still number one on the Deadpool." Argent pointed out, looking at me who I still had my hand on my stomach. "And I know that you don't want to put that little life in danger," he added, looking pointing at my stomach.

I looked at him surprised, not knowing how the hell he found out. We didn't tell anyone, besides Derek and Braeden. Okay, maybe I was showing a little, but nobody knew. Not even Scott's mother who was a nurse and she could see my appointments, but Scott and I took good care for her not to find out until all this madness stopped and we had a normal life.

"I know. I know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith. She just needs more time." Scott said.

"Then that's what she'll get," he told us and I nodded, thanking him.


"They'll be okay," Scott told Derek, looking at Satomi's pack.

"They've got claws and fangs. But they're not fighters." Derek told Scott and me.

"That's why I called you." Scott pointed out.

"Well, try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either," Derek informed us and I rolled my eyes.

"That's why she called me." she Braeden said, nodding at me.

"Am I the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm? I mean, it's possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens. Right?" I said very worriedly about all of our lives.

"Maybe it would be better if you won't be here," Derek told me. "You can get hurt," he added.

"Der, I'm gonna be fine. A scratch or two won't kill." I told him smiling, trying to calm him down.

My luck was that Derek wasn't having Werewolf smelling anymore so he couldn't smell my emotions.

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?" Braeden asked Scott.

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house. They're trying to stop it." Scott replied and Braeden nodded.

"What if there is no stopping it? What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?" Brett spoke up.

"Then let's send a message. Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money is gonna is put on another list. Our list. They get to be a name on our Deadpool." Derek said.


The alarm started beeping and the hunters came in. We started fighting with them, but I wasn't doing much effort because Scott asked me not to. The hunters were more than we were so we had a little disadvantage, but we still did it well. Scott was all wolfed-out on a hunter and for a second I thought that he was gonna kill him. Suddenly, beeps could be heard in the building. I went to a Hunter and searched for his phone. I unlocked it and saw the conversation with the Benefactor which was saying 'ALL CONTACTS ENDED'.

At that moment, I realized that the Deadpool was done, for good.

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