~ chapter 5 ~

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I got to school earlier this morning because I wanted to study for the next week's econ test. I knew that Coach Finstock's tests were the hardest because we were always making them when he was angry.

Before the first period, I went from Library to my locker to put my bag on it and take my Social Science books. When I closed my locker I was Logan staying right next to me.

"Hi, Kyles! How was your guitar practice?" he asked me.

"Okay. What about your swimming practice?" I asked him back.

"They were fine. Hey! See you at lunch, okay?" he told me and then left.


I went to the Econ Class in which Coach was pretty nervous. He was nervous because some of the Lacrosse team players sucked, like Stilinski. He was always saying that about Stiles, but he wasn't the most inefficient player of the team.


The period was well besides Coach's nerves, but he's usually like that. When I was walking to my locker, I met with Lydia.

"Hi, Lyds! How was your first period?" I asked her.

"Amazing. What about yours?" she asked me.

"Pretty Lacrosse. Coach is nervous again about the guys, especially Stiles. He said 'He can't even mark a point!'." I replied.

I saw Scott coming and I wanted to get out there.

"I have to go! See you later, okay?" I told her.


I went to the Music classroom and picked up a guitar and started singing. Scott came in and sat next to me.

"I thought that I can find you here. A singer in her natural habitat," he said smiling. "Can we talk about what you said last night?" he asked me.

"Which part of it?"

"The whole thing. I thought about what you said and I realized that you aren't right. After we broke up we told each other that we would be okay if the other would date a friend or a known person by the other. She would be okay with us." he told me and got closer to me as I was getting closer to him, and in the end, our eyes met.

He took my face in his hands, and then kissed me. I put the guitar down and I came closer to him. After the whole thing we left and went to Math, which we have together.

The whole class we stayed next to each other and sometimes looked at each other.


After Math, I met with Logan in the hallway. He was going to the Cafeteria and I went with him. After we took our food we sat with Lydia and the others. I took sit next to Scott and Lydia looked at us.

"I'm throwing a party tomorrow night and you all are invited. You can also bring a date," she told us.

"I don't know..." I said.

"Come on! It will be fun. Plus... you stay only in the music studio. You need to be around people more." she told me and she was right. I was staying only in the music studio till 2 a.m and I was practicing. Maybe I really needed to do something else than staying in that studio.

"Okay! I'll come, but I have a condition... You have to let me sing a song you will choose, for sure." I told her.

"Okay! Deal! Oh, God... It will be amazing." she said.

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