~ chapter 13 ~

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"So... We don't know where Derek is. We want to find him as well. You know who took him," Araya Calavera told Scott as I stood nervously beside Calavera's man who had finally let go of my arm.

I looked at Lydia and she gave me a sad smile while my bottom lip trembled. Scott's brown eyes held a confused look to the woman that was torturing him as he stared at her. I knew that he was thinking about what Araya just said to him and he was confused. We thought that the Calaveras took Derek so that was a surprise to all of us.

"What? How would I know that?" Scott asked her confused as he shook his head to the huntress.

She didn't look amused though as she glanced back at me and gave me a small smirk. Scott's heart started beating faster at that moment. I looked over at Lydia with a small sad smile and the tears finally started falling from my eyes. I had to turn away from that scene as Scott tried to meet my eyes without drawing Araya's attention. I could hear her footsteps though as she walked closer to Scott and clinched her tongue at him in annoyance. 

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me," she told Scott as I turned back and watched the scene.

It wasn't because I wanted, but Araya's son forced me to.

Lydia threw her hand out and clutched the edge of her chair as I tried to put my hand over my face. The man jerked my hand back though and I whimpered in pain making Scott's head snap up and meet my scared gaze. He shook his head at me as I tried to make my tears stop falling from my eyes. It shouldn't hurt this much.

"We don't know! That's why we came here." Lydia spoke desperately as a sudden burst of pain erupted in my chest.

I screamed out quietly and Araya turned to smile at me. She seemed to know exactly what was going on, exactly what she did to me. She turned back and met Scott's and Lydia's desperate gazes as she huffed and glanced back at me. I officially hated that woman more than I hated my dad for all those years of pain and tears and loneliness. She was evil and I hated her, but I didn't want to. I just wanted to get Derek, go home and be with Scott.

"Kylie, turn on the dial." She couldn't make me do that.

I wasn't going to hurt Scott like that, but I wasn't going to hurt my best friend either. My right hand was hovering over the dial as I met Araya's gaze head-on. I tried to look intimidating, but I had to look away as another wave of pain hit me.

"No, no, no, no," I whispered urgently as I pulled away from the man who smirking down at me.

He let me go and I weakly fell against the table with a gasp. My legs seemed like they didn't want to hold my body up any longer.

"Should we turn the dial on Lydia instead?" Araya asked me and I shook my head slightly as I put my hands on the table to hold me up. "Or... perhaps... we should strap you down and turn it on you," she told me but she turned to Scott as she said it.

His eyes wild opened and he pulled against the restraints as Araya came closer to me and put a hand on my shoulders. I flinched at tried to hold my breath as Scott struggled and watched what Araya was done carefully with a small growl. I felt sick as the Calavera woman moved away from me and grabbed a chair which she put between the other two.

"No! Do what they say, Kyles. Please!" Scott begged as I hesitantly put my hand on the dial.

He nodded at me and I looked away with a sob. Twisting my arm on the dial, I could hear Scott let out a growl of pain, but I refused to look at him. Araya forced my chin in that direction though and I could feel my eyes watering again.

"Don't do it," Scott whispered to me under his breath as I went to jerk my chin out of her grip.

I didn't though since she let go and put the hand on top of mine. She pressed it down before moving away and looked between Scott and me.

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