~ chapter 29 ~

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Scott called me and told me that he was coming to the loft because he wanted to ask Derek and me for advice about a situation. When he came, he was followed by Deputy Parrish and Lydia. It looked like another Deputy tried to kill Parrish for the Benefactor.

"He covered you in gasoline?

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that is essentially dead." Lydia said looking at Parrish.

For me, it was a little disgusting, adding the fact that I was pregnant.

"Well, they should be gone." Derek agreed with Lydia.

Derek turned his head at me and I slowly nodded. He knew that the talk was making me sick and so did Scott, but I did everything I could to hold myself from throwing up.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone." Parrish said-yelled.

"Not if you're like us." Scott points and I nodded.

"Like you?" Parrish asked us.

"I don't think he's like us," I told Scott.

"Then what is he?" Lydia asked us.

"Sorry, but I have no idea and I bet that Kylie doesn't have any idea, either," Derek told the three.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira." Scott pointed.

"This is a little out of out your both's experience. There might be something in the bestiary." Derek said pointing at me.

"Did you try Argent?" I asked Scott.

"I don't know where he is," he replied and I nodded.

"Okay, hold on. What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just... Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?" Parrish asked us.

"Psychic?" Derek and I asked at the same time, surprised.

"Yeah. Not exactly." Scott explained to Parrish

"Okay. Then what are you?" Parrish asked us.

Derek nodded at me and Scott. I went next to Scott, looked at him and he looked at me. We both nodded at the same time and then turned our heads and glowed our eyes red.


"What's a Kanima?" Parrish asked.

I was now sitting on the couch and Derek went to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. I wasn't feeling the best, but I had done some things and I had to accept the consequences.

"We'll get back to that. Just know that everyone like us, everyone with some kind of supernatural ability is on the Deadpool." Scott told Parrish as he sat down next to me.

"But I don't even know what I am," he said.

"I'm pretty sure they don't care," I told him, a little moody.

"How many professional assassins are we talking about?" Parrish asked us.

"We're starting to lose count," Lydia replied.

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asked.

"I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this. I think he was taking a chance." Parrish pointed.

"That means anyone with the Deadpool could take a chance," I added worriedly.

"But if Haigh had it, then who else does? How easy is it to get this thing now?" Parrish suggested.

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