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This whole situation was rather humorous to Mark. Here he was, in his apartment, with Donghyuck at his arm reach. He could kill him right at the moment, take revenge for all those years of mockery that stupid guy dropt on him.

He knew Donghyuck wouldn't run. It was seeable in those sad eyes which were just fed up with life. First time in his life, Donghyuck did indeed have a death wish.

And his death wish was to just end it quickly. Mark could do that. One right move of a hand and Donghyuck's neck would snap like the one of the young chicken. One quiet snap and it would all be over.

Then Mark could go on through his life without having to worry about Donghyuck jumping out from somewhere and nibbling at his patience.

With those thoughts in his head, Mark found himself with one arm wrapped tightly around Donghyuck's neck. The younger man was just sitting there, his eyes closed in acceptance of his fate, awaiting the death that is sure to come.

Then Mark felt it. He felt it all. He noticed for the first time how thin and breakable Donghyuck really is. He felt his heart. He felt Donghyuck's faint but fast heart beat under the skin of his neck.

Donghyuck was maybe ready to give up, but his heart wasn't. It kept beating at its top speed. Running and racing against time. The heart wouldn't stop, wouldn't slow down, it kept beating in its fear, like that's going to help it. It was a heart of a scared man.

No matter how much Donghyuck tried, he still couldn't completely face the death, leave the fear behind. It was natural reaction to death. Everyone is afraid of death. Every human being.

And that's what Donghyuck was. After all is said and done. After all the big and mocking talk, and all the sly smirks.

Under all of that, Donghyuck is still just a human. Maybe he fancied himself more than that, but Donghyuck is just a breakable, lonely, sad human. A human that now sat at his feet, waiting for his death.

And that's why Mark freed the younger man out of his grip. Because he is just a human. Just that and nothing more. Mark laughed again, sitting down in front of confused Donghyuck.


"Do you want to hear something funny, Donghyuck? Something really funny? You're just a human! A breakable, ordinary little human who just thinks himself big! Man this is a blast!"

Mark laughed at Donghyuck's slightly hurt face. It was so ridiculous. Donghyuck was hurt by his words. Then all the hurt was enveloped in misery and Donghyuck dropt his gaze, sighing.

"I would never guess you would be the one to torture people, Minhyungie. But I guess I did do a lot of wrong to you. I'll just need to get through whatever you have in plan for me and wait until you finally kill me"

"Oh my god. You're really stupid"


"I never said I'll kill you. Well not today. And I'm not. I'm not having you jump of my building or anything like it. Believe it or not some people have morals"

"And you believe me, Minhyungie, when I say that you would be doing me a great favor"

"Well that is a favor you are not going to get from me. You're going home and I'm calling Jaemin over until you are over all of this"

"Minhyungie... that is going to be a little hard"


"I sold my apartment. I was thinking of setting fire to it, but since I live on the top floor, that seemed rather unpractical. So I'm homeless now"



Mark was surprised by that sudden outburst of emotions, but as soon as it came, it disappeared and Donghyuck looked gloomy yet again.

"I thought I was going to be just another red splotch on the pavement. And then you came and ruined everything. Why did you have to do that? Why couldn't you just let me die? You hate me, right?" Donghyuck looked up with teary eyes, misery shaking his body.

"You hate me Minhyungie! You hate me just like everybody else! Nobody loves me so why should I stay alive, tell me! Why should I stay alive if my life is full of misery, rejection and loneliness?!"

Mark was at the lose of words as he watched the younger gasp for air after his outburst. Donghyuck's eyes still had fight in them. There was no snarky smirks or anything else that would indicate that the old Donghyuck was back, but those eyes told him that he is not giving up so easily.

Or so Mark thought. For a second after that, tears started streaming down on Donghyuck's face. Mark was shocked, he never actually thought that the annoying guy was capable of something as human as crying.

"They left me all alone, Mark. You can't imagine how that feels. You can't imagine how it feels to be completely abandoned by everyone. You just- "


Donghyuck's eyes went wide when Mark's palm connected with his face. He touched the aching skin in disbelief, and his surprised eyes traveled back to Mark.

"Shut up you damn annoying shit! You think I don't know how it feels? Do you, do you really?! I'm the person people call me the monster of Seongdong district. I know how it feels to be cast aside!"

He slapped Donghyuck one more time, making his head fly around. Then he stopped. He stopped because he needed to think things through.
Find a plan, decide what is he going to do with emotionally unstable Donghyuck.

He sighed and got up to dig through his shelves, drawing out a tape and kneeling back in front of Donghyuck. Donghyuck watched him carefully as Mark unwrapped some and tore it off with his teeth.

"Minhyungie? What are you...?"

"Put your arms in front" Mark quietly ordered.

"What? What are you going to do?" Donghyuck's voice grew a bit higher in panic.

"When I tell you to do something, just do it" Mark said, yanking the younger's arms up in front and bounding his arms together with tape.

"I'm heading out for a while, and I don't want you killing yourself"

Mark expected a mocking 'Awww Minhyungie cares for me after all' to come his way, but Donghyuck just bowed his head in understanding. Then a sick smile came over Donghyuck's lips and he chanted,

"What Minhyungie wants, Minhyungie gets"

Mark cringed at the teasing tone, begging himself not to lose his patience just yet. Fortunately enough, Donghyuck dropt the act and went back to being quiet.

When done, Mark stood up, looking at his work. Sure enough, Donghyuck won't be able to move or take anything dangerous for the time being.

"Okay, I'll leave now, but I'll be back soon. Don't get in trouble and don't touch my stuff"

Donghyuck opened his mouth to say something, but Mark never gave him the chance, leaving the apartment with tied up Donghyuck in a flash.

'Oh man, what have I gotten myself into?' Mark thought to himself.

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