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Donghyuck hummed in amusement as he watched the people that were staring at him and Mark, while the two enemies made their way towards the older's apartment.

Mark was rather annoyed at the open interest of the bystanders and glared menacingly at everyone who got too close or tried to ask any questions.

Donghyuck smirked. Two most dangerous men in Seongdong, forever at each other's throats, were now calmly walking together not even insulting one another. Well, it was pretty close to a miracle.

"Hey, hey Minhyungie, calm down. They are just being curious"

"Shut up, idiot"

"After all it's in human nature"

"Shut up, idiot"

"Can't you call me by my name? Come on, try to say it. Dong-hyuck~"

Mark wacked the younger male over his head, "Shut up, bastard"

Donghyuck grumbled, rubbing the assaulted spot and promptly went quiet. Mark was no fun to play with when he was grumpy. He sighed, eyeing the older male.

It was day one of Donghyuck's last month and Mark spent half of the day taking him around, trying to make him enjoy life or whatever.

But only thing they managed to do so far was to completely destroy Mark's nerves as well as his cigarette supply.

"That's the last one you brought, you know" Donghyuck quietly warned Mark as he watched him finish yet another cancer stick, "Probably for the best too, those are not good for you"

Mark glared at him and opened his mouth to reply, but Donghyuck just raised his hands in defense and nodded, "I know, I know, shut up, idiot"

The older tched, "That's not what I was going to say"

"Oh, no"

"No, shut up, Donghyuck"

The younger chuckled lowly and shook his head at the amusing Mark. If he had to live through another month, he was glad it was like this.

Teasing Mark and having his complete attention all to himself. Sure the older was annoyed at his presence and almost tried to kill him at least dozen of times, but it was still worth it.

"We're here" Mark announced as they entered the building and Donghyuck giggled teasingly.

"I know where you live, Minhyungie"

"Tch, whatever" Mark murmured as he led the way to his apartment.

Only few days ago, Donghyuck was trying to kill himself by jumping off the roof of this very building. If Mark didn't take a smoke break at that time, the smaller male would no longer be amongst the living.

Sometimes Mark wondered would it be better that way.

Donghyuck grew silent once again and Mark glanced his way. The brunette flashed him an annoying smirk, but Mark could no longer tell it was real or a mask.

How was Donghyuck really feeling? Was he happy that someone was giving him a chance and trying to fix his life, or did he still wish to die?

What was going on in his head?

He sighed and unlocked the door, letting the younger stride in. He was sure he'll never know. Even if Donghyuck is to live with him for this month, he would never open up and talk about how he felt.

He simply wasn't that kind of a person. And Mark was glad for it. Even though he was trying to save Donghyuck's life, he still didn't want to know what the younger man was thinking. It must be pretty messed up.

Donghyuck plopped on his couch, grinning happily, "It's nice to be in Minhyungie's apartment without being all tied up"

The grin grew wider and Donghyuck eyed Mark impishly;

"Imagine what would Jaemin say if he heard me right now? 'Oh I didn't know you were a kinky couple, but it does make a sense. Mark would be such a strong dominant and Dongh-' "


"I was just kidding, Minhyungie-"

"Well don't, just shut your mouth already. You're making me sick"

"…okay, Minhy…Mark"

Mark twitched as he heard his name being called instead of the annoying nickname. He glanced at the younger one.

Donghyuck was curled up on the couch looking as depressed as he was on the day that this entire mess started. It really got on Mark's nerves.

"Seriously, I can't say a word against you without you doing that. Are you trying to guilt trip me or something, because it's not going to work"


"What is wrong with you? One minute you are all cocky and teasing me and the next you are sad sack of fucking potatoes"

"…that makes no sense whatsoever"

Mark groaned in irritation. He hated whatever the younger has become. It wasn't Donghyuck he knew, not the one he could deal with. He couldn't yell or throw stuff at this sad mess of human being, it just wasn't right. 

I want him back. Mark realized, surprising himself. 

'I want him back the way he was. I want him to be annoying and nerve-eating bastard. At least that idiot I know…'

Donghyuck played with the brim of his jacket. He felt hollow. His whole insides were crying out in need for comfort.

He just wanted someone to be there, just be there and hold him and assure him he's not alone in this cold scary world.

Why did it have to be Mark, why that monster with no love for him. Why? Donghyuck wanted to laugh at himself. An insane, desperation filled laugh.

It was always like this. Ever since he realized Mark didn't love him, didn't even like him. He always searched for some shape of Mark's attention.

Words filled with hate, words filled with disgust and now words filled with hidden pity. Closest he could get to wished murmurs of love that he so craved to hear.

He was pathetic, he knew. He disgusted himself, but he could not stop it. He could not stop that endless fall to the human level. That endless playing around with Mark, trying to get his attention one way or the other.

Wagging his tail like an obedient dog. All for one or two kind words, all for the sensation of being loved, being cared for, being…wanted, needed…

He truly was pathetic.

He didn't realize he was crying until he was securely nested in Mark's arms. The older came out of nowhere and unpredictable as ever picked him up and hugged him close.

Held him like he wished to be held. Mark murmured apologetically to him, petting his hair and Donghyuck just didn't understand.

He didn't understand how Mark could do that. How could he transform from a hate filled beast into such a gentle person. Was this how he really was? When Donghyuck wasn't there to taunt the beast? Was this the real Mark?

"It's okay, don't cry Donghyuck. I'm not gonna yell at you anymore. It's okay..."

Donghyuck laughed through his tears. Through his pointless and stupid tears that he always despised. He couldn't let go of them.

If he did, he would break into hysterical mess that cried over every single thing that ever happened to him.

And that wasn't him. That wasn't Lee Donghyuck. Lee Donghyuck did not cry, so he bravely swallowed down the sobs and smiled at Mark,

"Who knew you are such a romantic, Minhyungie"

"Shut up, idiot"

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