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"Awww, Minhyungie, won't you let me watch my drama one more time before I die? Pff no need to get so angry"

"I'm tired Minhyungie, leave me alone. I don't wanna get air. I wanna sleep"

"Aww, does Minhyungie not trust me? Tch, tch I assure you I have quit Gangsters once and for all. I am a man of my word. It hurts me that you don't believe me"


"Leave me alone! This is all your fault, don't try to pretend it's not! If it was up to me, I would be dead long time ago!"

"Shut up, just shut up and leave me alone"

"I'm not crying you protozoan, I don't cry. I never cry. Shut up. Go away!"


"You can have it if you can catch me~ But we both know you can't, Hello~ Is this Chinese dumpling? "

Two weeks have passed and Donghyuck was not sure what to make of himself anymore. His emotions were spiraling out of control.

He would be happy one minute, enjoying taunting Mark and just generally being close to him.

The next one, he wanted nothing to do with the older male and would close himself in the bathroom just wishing he could sleep until it's his time to die.

He couldn't understand himself anymore. He didn't know what he was doing, what was the whole point of this.

Why didn't he refuse Mark's offer, why was he so desperate to spend more time on this planet, amongst the people that loathed a mere mention of his name.

Why was he so desperate to spend more time with Mark?

He couldn't fix the things he's done. He couldn't turn back the time, make everything okay. He was just making it worse.

He could see how annoyed Mark was at him. The older spent more and more time smoking and smashing things out of sheer annoyance.

Donghyuck didn't like that. He didn't want Mark to follow him to death because of lung cancer or getting shot by police or something like that.

He wanted Mark to be happy, to live the life he always wished for. Calm and happy and no trace of bastards anywhere.

That's what Mark wanted, so why was he so hung up on the idea of saving Donghyuck. Sure he is a good guy and the younger knew Mark would do that for literally anyone.

But couldn't he just let him go? What did Mark think, that Donghyuck would magically get better by the power of kindness and progress to become a decent human being that skipped around the streets throwing flowers on the pedestrians, giggling all the way.

The thought of it made him gag.

No. It was too late for him. Donghyuck knew it, his body and mind told him he was done here. He gradually grew more tired, no matter how much he would sleep, his appetite decreased and pretty much only thing he ate right now was dumpling.

He was no longer interested in watching people or gathering information on them. It brought him too much pain to think that once he's gone, they'll just carry on with their lives, most of them forgetting him in a second.

When all he did his entire life was try and make them like him. Try and make them notice him.

He was tired and felt blank. As if he died long ago and for some reason his body decided to live on.

Donghyuck lived in a world of gray, losing his interests one by one to the overwhelming sadness. He would sleep the entire day of just to avoid thinking, just to avoid facing the world. Just to avoid facing Mark.


Mark was the one bright light in his dark world.

He restlessly tried to make Donghyuck see that the life is worth living and for his sake, Donghyuck would smile and pretend to enjoy himself.

He would tease and chat with Mark, making sure he sounded like his old self…like his fake self.

It was worth it. Mark would smile, seeming excited that his 'therapy' was working. He was far more enthusiastic about this then Donghyuck originally thought.

He hoped that his death won't stain Mark's happy little world.

For it was all a disguise. Donghyuck was a master of camouflage and Mark was too naive to see through it.

Donghyuck was still empty, still sad. Every day after Mark would end his little therapy session and went off to work, Donghyuck would sigh in relief as he was allowed to turn back into his darkness.

He enjoyed Mark's company, but the endless walking around the town exhausted him.

Heck, everything exhausted him these days. Getting out of the bed exhausted him, opening his eyes exhausted him, existing exhausted him.

Pain and sadness he felt at the begging were no more. They were replaced by numbing nothingness. He felt as if he was in a come, waiting for Mark to pull the plug.

His emotions were drained out like watercolors. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep, not wake up. It was too tiring to wake up.

Just two more weeks.

He just has to hold on for two more weeks.

Then he can rest.

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