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The rain poured down from the heavy clouds as his footsteps resonated through the streets. Mark ran as fast as he could, steam rising from his body as if the anger was heating the heavy droplets of sky tears. His breath escaped in small misty clouds as he searched for the scent.

It was his only clue.

Donghyuck's ever recognizable scent would lead him to the disappeared brunette, he was sure of it. His scent never failed Mark before. It was unmistakable. A disgusting smell of rotten heart and sick mind.

Why was he looking for him? Why did he care at all? He should be happy, somebody saved him the trouble of dealing with Donghyuck.

But, Yukhei said it himself. Donghyuck wasn't a violent person, not willingly. He'll much rather bury the hatchet then continue fighting with Donghyuck. If there was a chance for them to start over he wanted to take it.

He didn't want to walk away knowing that he could have done something, or changed something. Knowing that he knowingly broke Donghyuck's heart and left him alone just because he didn't want to put in the effort.

Mark was a stubborn person. He was determent to fix the relationship he had with Donghyuck and nothing was going to stop him.

Not his anger, not Donghyuck's annoyingness and certainly not some silly kidnapper.

He had a chance to make things right, to start over, to show everyone that even a monster like him can rise above his own hate and become a better person. To show himself that he can be a better person.

He will show them that he is not a monster and he will pull Donghyuck out of that pit as well.

Because, after all he saw, after all Donghyuck said, and Yukhei said.

He started pitying Donghyuck.

He knew that Donghyuck was still at fault for all those things he did, but after seeing Donghyuck in that state, he just had to hear his side of the story too, before he went to any conclusions.

Every story has many sides to it. He wanted to hear Donghyuck's. He wanted to give him a chance to explain himself. Everyone deserved at least that.

How many times did Donghyuck wish that somebody would just stop and listen to him? To hear his side of the story, to offer a comforting shoulder. Donghyuck deserved that. How could Mark judge him without hearing him out? It was not fair.

He wanted to be fair towards Donghyuck now. He wanted to give him a chance. Who knows, maybe that bastard isn't as bad as he thought, maybe they could even be…

…friends. (FRIENDZONED)

Mark stopped panting in the rain, standing in front of a shady looking hotel. He growled, his nose scrunching up at the reeking stench of dishonesty and danger that sipped to him.

If Donghyuck hang around here a lot, no wonder he smelled so bad. He clenched his fist, determinedly walking up to the building. He wasn't sure what awaited him inside but he was going to get Donghyuck out.

He wanted to start over.

He owed it to Donghyuck, because he had hurt him so bad.

He walked through the quite, badly lit lobby with long strides, making sure that the danger of making him angry showed in his appearance. Nobody stopped him, even here they knew who Mark was.

He followed Donghyuck's scent though the long hallway, observing his surroundings to make sure that danger was nowhere near.

It was quiet, ominously quiet. The only sound being that of his footsteps against the old carpet from which dust flew up with each step.

Ghastly, dim yellow light flickered above him as if they were using their last bits of strength to light his way. The walls were old, yellow paint was peeling of off them, revealing ugly grey marks of moist.

What was Donghyuck doing in a place like this?

Shaking of the lingering feeling of uncertainty, he walked up to the door at the end of the hallway. This must be it. Donghyuck's scent is all over this room. He grabbed the knob and turned it, trying out if the door was opened. But it wasn't.

He grumbled in annoyance and thought about calling out to Donghyuck, but he stopped himself. He wasn't sure if anyone else was in there and what their interests may be. He didn't want to cause more trouble for himself.

So he broke the door and charged in full speed.

What met him wasn't a bunch of shady thugs, but a very surprised and tied up Donghyuck.

"M-Minhyungie?" Donghyuck's mouth hung open in disbelief.

Mark rolled his eyes and walked up to the bewildered brunette, "Seriously, why do I always have to save your sorry ass?"

Donghyuck stared at him for a minute longer, before he grinned.

"Minhyungie! You came for me! You actually came for me!"

Mark gritted his teeth, ripping apart the ropes that held Donghyuck still, "Keep it down, if we get busted…"

"Ah, Mr. Lee. So it is you that got him so flustered" the gruff voice came from behind.

Mark wiped around, mentally cursing. Damn it, he knew that this was too easy to be true. A man in a white suit and two men with guns stood in the doorway.

The man in the suit smirked calmly and gave a hand signal to one of the goons. He lifted up his gun, aiming at Mark's chest.

"Unfortunately, we need our Donghyuck fully functional and not distracted. Goodbye Mr. Lee"


A loud bang rang through the room and Mark watched in shock as Donghyuck's small body moved around in front of him, shielding him from the bullet.

The bullet pierced Donghyuck's chest and blood flew, glistening in the light as if it was in slow motion. The world moved slowly, so slowly, as the petite body of Donghyuck hit the floor, his blood staining the white carpet.

Mark's eyes grew wide at the sight as the world slowly returned to its normal speed and the gun was raised once again.

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