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A harsh slap pulled him back into the cruel reality. Donghyuck opened his eyes, blinking in discomfort at the intrusion of light.

He was sitting on the floor of a small white room, with his hands tied up behind his back and his legs restrained as well.

In front of him was a black leather armchair on which was sitting the last person he wanted to see right now, with two "gangsters" by his side.

"Jaehyun" Donghyuck almost spat out.

Jaehyun didn't seem to look too fazed by the anger in younger one's voice as he calmly smoked his cigarette.

"What's the meaning of this?" Donghyuck spat again, trying to work his way out of the ropes.

The older man still didn't reply, simply choosing to watch the struggle of the captured brunette. Donghyuck growled lowly and took a deep breath, counting to ten and trying to stay cool and calm.

If he couldn't keep his facade up in front of Jaehyun, then he utterly fails as well, himself. He never allowed anybody to see into his distress and he never will.

Donghyuck allowed his signature smirk to crawl up his features, his lips twisting up as he calmly relaxed against the wall, locking eyes with Jaehyun.

"The way you are staring at me, it almost seems like you are enjoying yourself. Like the view Jaehyunnie~" Donghyuck purred teasingly, but the man didn't even twitch.


How boring.

"Hey, hey Jaehyun, how am I supposed to know why am I here if you just sit there and look at me. Oh wait I know, I've been a bad boy and now you want to punish me~" he pouted, but his smug grin was too hard to hold back and it broke out again.

However it was probably worth it since he finally got a reaction from Jaehyun. The older man finally got up and approached him.

He watched Donghyuck for a little while, before he kneeled in front of him, took a cigarette out of his mouth and pressed the burning tip against porcelain skin of Donghyuck's neck. Donghyuck hissed in pain, shutting his eyes closed to prevents Jaehyun from seeing the pain.

"When I call you, I expect you to answer" Jaehyun stated simply and slowly, as if teaching a lesson to a dumb dog.

"Well too bad, I quit" Donghyuck chuckled slightly, opening his eyes to look at Jaehyun's reaction.

"You quit?" Jaehyun asked, almost sounding disinterested.

"That's right. I ain't working for gangsters anymore"

Jaehyun lit another cigarette and took his time observing the angry, red mark he left on the younger's skin.

"And what makes you think, that you can quit and just walk away from us?" he asked as if he was truly interested.

"My call, isn't it?" Donghyuck laughed, though it was halfheartedly.

He was officially screwed.

"No Donghyuck, it is certainly not your call. You see, we are not to keen to let somebody, that knows about us as much as you do, break ties with us. You might sell us out"

"Oh, that hurts my feelings, do you really think I would sell you out just like that. After all those years of faithfully delivering you information? My, my and I thought of us as friends" Donghyuck sighed in a perfectly melodramatic way.

"Can't you be serious for one second?" Jaehyun grumbled, even though he already knew the answer.

"Me? I am ever so serious. In fact I am so serious that serious is not as serious as me. Seriously" Donghyuck grinned.

"Well then, I guess we'll just leave you like this. You have an hour to make your choice Donghyuck, after an hour, we will return. You'll either stay with us or get a bullet through your head. It's your call"

And with that Jaehyun and his gangsters left, leaving Donghyuck alone and tied up.

"Huh" Donghyuck chuckled, "I hope I'm not setting myself a routine of getting left tied up in places"

However he could only joke for a while, for he did indeed understand the urgency of this situation. It's not like he wanted to stay with gangsters, certainly not. He was determined to turn over a new leaf and to start out fresh. But it's not like he wanted to die, either.

Well he was on an edge of the building, a while ago, and he would have jumped if Mark hadn't stopped him, so he can't say that he really doesn't want to die.

Mark…Mark rejected him. He rejected him so cruelly. He pushed him away, kicked him out…laughed at him, laughed at a mere thought of loving him.

The worst part was that Donghyuck knew he deserved it. He deserved all of it. Every last bit of Mark's hatred. He taunted and tortured Mark for so long time and now he just expected from him to love him.

He truly was a fool.

Mark hated him.

Mark wanted him dead.

He would be happy if Donghyuck was dead.

That was why Donghyuck decided to kill himself in the first place. He wanted to make Mark happy. He wished that something he did brought a smile to Mark's face.

All Donghyuck caused him over all this years was misery, anger and frustration. He wanted to be the reason Mark smiled, for once.

And since he knew no other way to get Mark to smile for him, killing himself and fulfilling Mark's long time wish was his best option.

Of course, there was a selfish factor in there too, for Donghyuck wanted to get rid of the pain of unreturned love. He just wanted his heart to stop hurting like it always did.

So… will he let Jaehyun kill him?

Donghyuck wasn't too found of that option, because then Jaehyun would be the one that made Mark happy and not Donghyuck. No, there had to be another way, a third way, a loophole through which Donghyuck could slide through and escape from Jaehyun's clutches.

There had to be a way. There was always a way. He just had to think hard and think fast, for his time was running out.

"Oh, the things you make me do, Minhyungie"

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