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Mark watched Donghyuck, angry and confused. True, not many people liked him but is that really a reason to take his own life. Lee Donghyuck he knew would scoff at that and say human feelings meant nothing to him.

All the hatred and disgust couldn't touch him in his high, personal heaven. But this was not Donghyuck he knew. This was a sad, destroyed human being.

Mark repeated that over and over to himself over this last few days, just so he could be able to restrain himself around Donghyuck and not accidently kill him for being a jerk.

Donghyuck is a human. He was an enemy, but an enemy that was already down for the count. Mark would never kick him now. It would be gutless thing to do.

He looked once more at the being that was supposedly his arch enemy. The brunette sat there with slumped shoulders, looking like the saddest being on the planet. It was confusing.

Sometimes he would see Donghyuck he knew, the shit faced, annoying bastard that he wished to kill. And then he was gone, replaced by a gloomy version of himself that only sat there staring into space.

It made it really hard to be mad at him. Mark's instincts mixed and fought. Instinct to pummel Donghyuck, instinct to protect the weak.

It made his head spin.

He never thought he'd refer to Donghyuck as weak.

But right now that's what he was. Mark didn't know how or when it came to that. When did Donghyuck started being human?

"Why did you bring me here? Why didn't you just leave me there?" the younger questioned, snapping Mark out of his thoughts.

"Are you crazy? If I left you there, you would have been dead!"

"That's kind of the point, Minhyungie. I don't want to live anymore. I'm tired of life"

Tired of life?


Wanting to die?

This made no sense, this entire deal made no sense. It was making Mark's head hurt.

The world turned crazy over night.

Next thing will be Jaemin enrolling in some nun business and never glancing at another yaoi manga again. Or Yukhei in a ballet tutu, or something equally stupid and weird as this.

Donghyuck watched as Mark's brows furred in confusion. He smiled softly to himself. Mark was always such a brainless, painfully, slow protozoan.

Why did it have to be him?

He knew what happened in Jaehyun's office. Mark took pity on him. He took pity on him, because that's the kind of guy Mark is. He's a big monster with the softest heart. He should know.

Donghyuck was his shadow ever since they met. He knew how much it pained Mark to not be in control of his strength, his temper.

Donghyuck knew how much Mark hated violence and hurting people. He knew that Mark in the end just wanted a simple life. A wife, some kind of ordinary, silent home, and ordinary life.

That's why Donghyuck could never have him.

But then, why did his heart so stupidly defy his mind, his reason.

Why did every time Mark looked at him, speak to him or in every other dumb way in any other cursed emotion admitted Donghyuck's existence, why did his heart beat harder at that?

It defied all reason, all logic. He knew Mark hated him, he should stop with his silly crushing. Though, he couldn't.

It was like he was clinging to that one hope that somebody would look at him as he was. As he wanted to be.

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