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Mark sat on the floor, eating his dumpling. His gaze was fixed on the screen as he brought pieces of the food automatically into his mouth.

A smaller brunette was sitting between his legs, wrapped up in a blanket and eating kimbap, his gaze just as intense as the older's.

Mark and Donghyuck were on a try-out date, which involved sitting in front of the TV in their pajamas, watching a desperately bad horror movie and eating some food.

Admittedly, it was not the most romantic idea ever, but Mark had been never on a real date and Donghyuck just wasn't a romantic kind of guy. Nevertheless, to them it was fine. They were both comfortable and content as the TV filled in the lack of conversation.

Every now and then Donghyuck would make a snarky remark on the account of characters lack of intellect and Mark would agree with an incoherent gruff as he continued shoving food in his mouth.

It was simple, plain and domestic. No big exclamations of never ending love, no grand plans for unforgettable dates, just getting used to be near each other. Just getting comfortable with each other.

Donghyuck, who was so desperate to gain approval of his monster, found that he liked it this way more. There was no fuss or worry about looking good for each other.

There was no need to impress. Mark took care of him for weeks now, saw him at his lowest. They lived together and saw each other in all kinds of situations.

There was no need to impress. No need to claw out that approval and love.

Not anymore, not here.

The transition to lovers was so natural. The younger could hardly believe it. Sure the rode to get there was hard and Donghyuck suffered a great deal from all the hate world bore down on him.

But right now, in this simple little moment, he felt happy.

Truly happy.

For the first time in the long time.

It felt right.

Mark, still unsure of his feelings, found that he felt quite comfortable being with Donghyuck in this way. Which was strange enough, because the position they were in, left them with pretty much no personal space.

But it felt good. Donghyuck's body on his felt warm and fit in perfectly, just like they were made for each other.

The younger male, to Mark's surprise, didn't try to pull of any shenanigans. He didn't try to kiss him or start anything. He just sat there and commented on the movie, pointing out the hilarious details Mark never thought about before.

It was so natural and so warm.

Even when Donghyuck fell asleep on him, probably tired out from the long day, Mark found that he didn't mind.

On the contrary, he thought the younger looked quite cute resting on him like that, curled up with his mouth slightly opened.

Somehow he managed to look silly, cute and beautiful at the same time.

And Mark loved it.


The two ex-enemies walked down the street, heading to the older's apartment. Donghyuck has just finished another one of his therapy sessions and Mark was glad to see that the younger didn't feel tired enough to have to be carried.

Quite the contrary. Donghyuck skipped next to him in his well known way, chatting about this and that. Even while he was skipping, the smaller hand was still firmly holding on to the larger one.

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