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Donghyuck sighed, looking through the window of Yukhei's apartment. He hated falling so low, but he felt that there was nothing more that kept him strong, nothing more that kept him powerful.

He no longer felt like Lee Donghyuck the famous trouble maker. Now he just felt like Lee Donghyuck the man that fell in love with his worst enemy.
Such a cliche. He didn't like cliches.

The door creaked open and Donghyuck spun around, only half interested in his visitor. His eyes went wide when he caught sight of the light brown hair and sharp gaze.

Mark leant against the door, observing him like a hunter observes its prey.

"Hey, Minhyungie~ Came to finish me off?" Donghyuck tried to smile but he failed miserably and instead chose to just let the fake grimace slide down from his face.

"Be quiet, sound of your voice pisses me off" Mark said and kicked himself of the wall, approaching Donghyuck in predatory manor.

"So mean, Minhyungie~" Donghyuck sung lowly, like a bird with a crushed wing.

Begging to be saved.

"I said be quiet!" Mark yelled and grabbed a fistful of Donghyuck's brown locks, yanking his head up, "Make me mad and I might just rip your head off"

Donghyuck sighed, humming a low whimper, but even he knew better than to annoy Mark when he had him captured like this.

Mark stared at him with those eyes, those mysterious eyes in the way. He turned Donghyuck's head to the left and then to the right, spinning it around seemingly at random. Donghyuck allowed himself be examined, looking at the older guy in confusion and curiosity.


Mark pushed Donghyuck's head down hard, making him wince at the pain in his neck.

"You can't shut up to save your own skin, can't you? Always jabbering around. Idiotic bastard" with that, Donghyuck was pulled up once again;

"Really Donghyuck, what is wrong with you? What kind of game are you playing?"

Donghyuck sighed, for Mark still didn't believe in truthfulness of his feelings.

"I told you already. I'm not playing, I really do love you. I know that I've been a real monster, but I just couldn't…"

Mark tilted his head, kneeling at Donghyuck's eyelevel and asked, "Couldn't what?"

"…I couldn't lose you. Even if you hate me, you are still there. You didn't ignore me like everybody else. I don't know, I guess it makes me feel…special" Donghyuck's eyes were glued to the floor, shy words whispered so softly that only for their ears to hear.

"This whole time…you were just lonely, just wanted attention?"

There was doubt in Mark's words and Donghyuck did not blame him, but he still nodded, aware of the fact that Mark is going to burst in the fit of laughter at his expense.

But Mark didn't laugh although a sad little smile creeped up on his lips, tugging at their corners. He sat next to Donghyuck on the window bench and tugged the smaller one forward, nesting him on his lap.

Donghyuck held his breath in surprise as two strong hands that could crush him in a second, ever so gently embraced him, pulling him into a comforting hug.


"You are really an idiot Donghyuck" Mark murmured and rested his head on Donghyuck's shoulder.

Donghyuck blinked in surprise but allowed his body to relax in Mark's secure grip. He nuzzled his head on Mark's chest, returning the hug. He never felt so protected, so warm and loved.

One of Mark's hand found its way back to Donghyuck's hair and started caressing it. Normally Donghyuck hated being treated like a child, but Mark was an exception. Donghyuck sighed in content leaning into gentle touch.

How long has it been since somebody was this gentle towards him? Probably years, back when he was still young and happy child that was adored by a whole family and knew how to get attention of all neighborhood.

Everybody loved him.

But he only loved one.

"Minhyungie" Donghyuck sighed in content, nuzzling against the fabric of Mark's sweatshirt as he pulled his legs up and nestled up comfortably on Mark's lap.

Mark planted a light kiss on his forehead and Donghyuck almost melted in the spot, feeling those soft, warm lips on his skin as butterflies danced around his insides, tickling his long sealed heart.

Mark's hand traveled down on Donghyuck's face, caressing it gently, as if it knew how much the younger male missed the softness of human touch.

Mark tilted Donghyuck's face up and gave him a gentle smile, one that was never seen around Donghyuck before.

The one that Donghyuck was striving to receive his whole life.

His life for that smile.

"I love you Minhyungie" Donghyuck whispered, his words fragile as butterfly's wings, shyly making their way to play around the older's ears to try and win his heart.

Mark smiled that smile again, that gentle, heart warming smile. He brought Donghyuck's face closer to his, their lips almost brushing against each other.

Donghyuck inhaled the sweet scent of milk mixing with bitter smell of cigarettes in aroma that could only belong to his one true love. His heart skipped a beat as he drowned himself in those endlessly deep brown orbs, and his lips lusting for Mark's.

Grip on his hair tightened to the point it was painful, but Donghyuck didn't care for his heart was drowning in anticipation.

Mark's warm breath caressed his jawline and Donghyuck leant in, just a bit closer, craving for the taste of those honey lips.

Then Mark smirked.

"Such a slut" he said.

And Donghyuck's head was pushed brutally down in the soft fabric of the window seat.

Donghyuck gasped in surprise as he felt a strong hand keeping him down, his face deep in the fabric that smelled so strangely sweet. Donghyuck fought for breath as he tried to get up, but he found his limbs growing tired and his mind hazy.

Is this how he's going to die?

Suffocated by the man that he loved?

"Nobody loves you and nobody ever will. You need to be exterminated for the sake of humanity. If you love people, you should just die and make them all happy. Everybody hates you, they despise you, want you dead. Nobody cares what happens to you, hell I bet that nobody will even come to your funeral. You know what, I'll throw a 'We got rid of Donghyuck' party and I'll bet that the whole town will be there. Everybody hates you and the person who hates you the most…"

Please Mark don't say it.

"…is me. I despise you and I could never love a slutty pest such as yourself. I would rather die"

Last thing Donghyuck felt was a single tear trailing down his cheek and then his world disappeared in the darkness.


A man in the black suit sighed in relief as Donghyuck finally stopped struggling and fell into unconsciousness deeper  the sleep he was formerly in.

He took the chloroformed rag from under Donghyuck's face. He sighed and threw the unconscious brunette over his shoulder and exited through the window, paying no attention to the trimmed jacket that was left sprawled down on the floor behind the couch.

Disclaimer: That markhyuck scene was just donghyuck's dream.

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