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When Mark returned home, Donghyuck was curled up on the floor, sleeping peacefully. Mark waved his head in disbelief. A few hours ago, he was on the edge of the building, seriously attempting to kill himself, and now he was curled up down there sleeping like a kitten.

The main problem now was what is he going to do with Donghyuck?

He walked around the town for hours and went through more than the half of his cigarette box, but answer still wasn't showing itself to him.

Easiest thing would be to snap his little neck in half, but somehow it was just wrong. Donghyuck didn't run anymore, didn't fight anymore. Hurting him now would be like hitting the man who is already down. It just wasn't right and gave no satisfaction. This wasn't Donghyuck he knew and despised. This was a broken human being.

He never thought that he would think about Donghyuck as human being. Donghyuck was a sociopathic, sadistic monster that plagued Seongdong and everything else it touched. Donghyuck didn't deserve mercy, didn't deserve kindness, sympathy or understanding.

He didn't, right?

But wasn't every man's right to be shown some compassion, some understanding. He knew that Donghyuck was often sad and even depressed as a child when nobody tried to understand him and his feelings.

When everybody ran from him, and nobody ever stayed to ask is he okay, does he need help, company?

He always had Chenle though, and Jaemin was there too. With Jaemin came Jeno, he met Jisung and Renjun as his friends. Yukhei and Sicheng were always there when he needed someone to stop him from exploding. All in all, he wasn't alone.

Mark wouldn't be surprised if Donghyuck was completely alone. He seemed to love trying out new ways to chase people away from himself. Donghyuck loved torturing people, chasing them into traps, laughing manically while they drowned like rats in their own despair.

But was that the real Donghyuck?

That was the only Donghyuck he knew, but Donghyuck he knew would never go and try to jump of the building. This one did. And that worried Mark.

Who was this person sleeping on his floor? And why was he here? Here of all places. Why did he choose this place to die?

Mark knew that Donghyuck had apartment on the highest floor, wouldn't that one work just as well for suicide. Actually it would work better since he wouldn't be there to save the damn idiot.

Donghyuck would be just another red splotch on the pavement.

And the game is all over.

Mark sighed and fell on the couch, lighting himself another cigarette. His head hurt from trying to figure out that maze of a brain that Donghyuck had.

Fortunately enough he heard Jaemin blab about brain and stuff like that, enough times for him to be able throw around some assumptions. Was Donghyuck, by coming all the way from Gwangjin, trying to subconsciously get himself saved?

Like, 'Hey I'm gonna throw myself of someone's building and hope somebody rescues me'


If that is so, then why him? Why him of all people? Mark hates Donghyuck the most so why would Donghyuck try to get help from him? If that was the case.

"Believe it or not some people have morals"

Maybe Donghyuck counted on that, on the fact that no matter how big of a monster Mark is, he still had morals.
But still, of all the people in this world, why him?

"You are really an idiot, you know that?" he said, not expecting an answer from sleeping Donghyuck.

But...the answer still came,

"That's why you love me Minhyungie"

In a second rage came over Mark, and in a second and a half he had Donghyuck pinned against the wall, slamming his back with as much force as he could and that was a lot.

"What the hell did you say to me you annoying bastard!"

Donghyuck's only response was a rather sick sounding thudding against the wall as his eyes opened widely from his dreams to his nightmare.

"The hell you meant with that, you fucker!? The hell you meant with that?!"

"Min-Minh…" Donghyuck tried to gasp out but Mark's hands grasped him around his neck, ready to choke him to death.


Mark stopped mid sentence and mid strangle as he saw it again.


Tears slid down on Donghyuck's face making there way across that mask of fear and pain.

Donghyuck was crying, he was afraid, he was helpless.

Mark let him out of his grasp and he landed down with a thud and a muffled whine. His big eyes looked up at Mark, like a child looking up at his abusive father.

Mark never understood that.

The way some of those children still love their parents, the way they looked at them. Donghyuck was looking at him like that right now. There was hurt in those eyes. Hurt and pain and sadness. But there was love too. Love Mark couldn't understand, and didn't know where it came from.

Love that said; "No matter what you do to me I will still be here, I'll still love you."

And that other thing, what was that in his eyes? Understanding? Acceptance?

What was that in Donghyuck's eyes that said; 'Go on, break me, I know I deserve this. I know I'm guilty'


Was Donghyuck…sorry?

"The hell did you say to me, you dirt bag?"

Donghyuck looked up surprised at him, "I didn't say anything Minhyungi- "

"Don't call me like that, or I'm going to rip your throat out right now" Mark yelled, his body was surprisingly close to Donghyuck's.

Donghyuck gulped, obviously not liking having Mark this close to him.

"I didn't say anything. I was sleeping" he said obediently.

"You said something!"

"People talk while they sleep, Minhyungi…Mark"

The older guy growled but dismissed it, deciding that it's no use to fight someone about something they obviously don't know about.


"What!" he snapped and was rewarded by a wince from Donghyuck.

"Why…why didn't you kill me?"

"I told you, I'm not going to kill you" Mark said, trying to keep his temper down, so he really doesn't kill the younger male.

"But why?" Donghyuck wasn't the one to give up.

"Just because...okay, this is a good answer for you!" he yelled out and stormed into the bathroom, leaving a very confused Donghyuck behind.

Still waiting for mark to love donghyuck? hehehe...

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