태: 미소

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I excitedly wrapped my fluffy blanket around me and walked out of the room

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I excitedly wrapped my fluffy blanket around me and walked out of the room. It was storming really hard outside and I absolutely loved it. To me stormy days were one of the best things in the world. Ever since I was little I loved them. I already turned on the heater so the house was toasty and dressed in my oversized sweater. Grabbing my huge hip hop monster doll I trudged into the hallway and plopped down on the window seat.

When Taehyung and I decided to move in together after being a couple for six years, I had told him the only thing I ever wanted was a huge window with a window seat in the living room and that's what he got me. Instead of a wall, we had transparent French doors that lead out to the patio, so that I could see outside when it rained and we could be outside when it was sunny. I snuggled under the blankets and curled my toes at the thought of my boyfriend. Taehyung didn't come home yet, he had told me this morning that he was going to come home late. 

We had met in high school and have been dating ever since. The high school Taehyung and the grown man Taehyung were very different to some people but to me he'll always be the crazy dork that I love. I was proud of him. His idol group BTS has been dominating the charts and so many people world wide love them. But as an idol's girlfriend, it was hard even for me. I didn't get to see him that much even after we moved in together and our dates were usually cut short by him having to work. On stormy days like this I wish he was there cuddling with me and watching the rain with me.

After listening to the pitter patter of rain a little longer, I began to feel drowsy. A feeling that I welcomed. I clutched onto my doll and buried my face in to the blanket. I really wish it was Taehyung's chest. I groaned.

"Wait 'till you come home. This bastard, leaving his girlfriend alone on a rainy day." I scowled. Mumbling sleepily. Dismissing the thought almost immediately as I enjoyed the warmth and natural lullaby from outside.

"How can you kill me when I brought home spicy rice cakes and ramen?" I jerked up, sleep running away from me. Taehyung was grinning and holding a bag. He was completely dry. I internally sighed, perfect humans do exist.

"Tae?" I said in surprise. It's been almost half year since I spent some actual quality time with him. He came home after I fell asleep and left home before I got up.

"I thought I would find you here watching the rain." He said dropping the bag on the couch and making his way towards me. I wrapped the blanket around me tighter my face breaking into a grin.

"TAE!" I squealed running to him and giving him a huge hug. I felt him smile into my neck.

"Y/N!!!!" He mocked me. I laughed.

"I missed you so much!" I whispered. 

"I know. I'm sorry. I've been so busy lately that I forgot about the ray of sunshine that waited and loved me everyday." He said. I giggled and let go of him, grabbing his hand I led him to the mattress.

"Come on, you missed a whole hour of the storm." I said. He laughed. I returned to the window seat and resumed my previous position, cuddled under billions of blankets so that only face could be seen. I smiled looking out the window.

"Who's this?" I heard Taehyung's voice from behind me. I turned around to see what he was talking about. I laughed. He was holding my hip hop monster doll. I decided to play along, grabbing it back from him.

"My boyfriend." I said snuggling it closely and kissing it on top of it's head. Taehyung frowned.

"Ya, did you just choose a hip hop doll over me?" He said frowning. I nodded.

"He's better than you." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"In what ways Kim Y/n?" I pretended to be deep in thought.

"He's very nice and caring. He has a really pretty laugh and he's really handsome. He gives good advice and works hard to buy me things. Best of all, he gives good kisses and is a really good snuggler." I said. He sat laid down next to me.

"I'm super nice and caring and my laugh is super cute." He said grinning. I laughed as he awkwardly smiled at me.

"My face is handsome and I'm amazing at giving advice." He said as he pulled up a picture of him on his phone. I blushed when he showed me a picture of him up on stage. Smiling he continued.

"I can buy you anything." He said as he pointed to the spicy rice cakes and ramen forgotten and lying on the couch. I blushed harder and buried my face in his chest as he pointed to the necklace that he gave me when he first said I love you.

"Finally I kiss really well and I'm the master of cuddling." I felt his soft lips on my head. Smiling into his chest I felt him shift so that both of his arms were securely wrapped around my waist. Suddenly I felt him tickling me and I squealed, laughing hysterically.

"Tell me I'm better than hip hop monster and I'll stop." He said grinning as I struggled against his strong grip.

"You're better than hip hop monster!" I screamed through my gasps for air. He stopped tickling me and crushed me in another hug. I giggled again and shifted so that I could see the window. The gray clouds were so pretty and the garden we were growing were covered in beautiful crystal drops. God I loved the rain.


"Hmm.." He said sleepily. He was probably tired after coming back from work.

"Did you know that when it storms and lightning strikes, the sky is taking a picture?" I said. I turned around slightly and saw him smiling.

"Really?" He said. I nodded my head eagerly.

"Do you want to take a picture?" I said excitedly. He laughed.

"Sure." He said. I tried getting up so that it would be a better position but he couldn't let me.

"Let the sky see us how we are right now. You look prettier in my arms." He mumbled softly into my hair. I blushed scarlet.

"Okay." I replied back softly.

"Smile really big when there's lightning okay?" I said.

"Okay." He said. When the lightning came I broke out into a smile.

"I hope the sky saves the picture." I mumbled nervously. Taehyung laughed. His chest vibrating. I looked up at him, warmth overtaking my body.

"Of course it will baby." He said kissing me on the head.

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