호비 : 술주정 뱅이

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"I have no inspiration

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"I have no inspiration. Zero. None." I groaned slamming my head down on the table while my classmates giggled.

"Don't laugh." I said sternly. They continued giggling as they worked away on their own designs. I didn't know how much sleep I would have to give up for this assignment. Ever since I enrolled in this stupid course, I've been relying heavily on caffeine.

"Y/n! We have been working on this project for the last two classes and you haven't even started! Let me remind you that this is worth your final grade for this semester!" My teacher sternly gazed over me. I nodded, my head still smushed on to the table.

"Yes I'm aware, I'll get started right away. I won't disappoint you." I said robotically. My work lacked so much compared to everyone else's.

"Get to work Miss Kim." My teacher sighed and massaged her temple. This was my one chance to prove that I'm actually fit for this field. I lifted my head, suddenly getting a surge of determination and hope. I glanced at the girl in front of me. Her hat was stylishy pinned to the side, her hair was shining, her makeup had no flaw, her small frame was highlighted by a crop top and shorts, topped with a long cardigan, her feet and hands were painted a bright cheery yellow, and she had pretty sandals.

"Nevermind you suck." I mumbled to myself, placing my head back on the table. Frustration seeped through me. Things have been really crappy recently. For starters I miss Gwangju, my home town. Everything is so knew in Seoul and I barely have friends. It's not that I'm introverted or a nerdy, it's just the fact that I don't really like people. I miss Hobi, my childhood best friend, It's been three years since I seen him. To end on an even more happier thought, I'm pretty much broke in one of the most expensive cities in South Korea, so yeah, life has been in the dumps lately. But I definitely don't regret my decision, Seoul is an amazingly beautiful city and being broke doesn't stop me from trying to make my dream come true.

I've started a few part time jobs to help with the finance, I don't even know what a good eight hours of sleep feels like anymore.

"Alright class you're dismissed, you only have three more classes to turn in the line so I suggest you work hard." The teacher looked at me at the end. I struggled to stop the urge of rolling my eyes. Everyone packed up and slowly trickled out. I stayed in my position. If I went back home, I would get nothing done. The ugly apartment I call home will just stop my inspiration even more. I sighed picking up my pencils and moved to the table that was near the window. One of the only parts I liked about this classroom was that one of the walls was a huge window that overlooked Seoul. It was a breathtaking view at night.

"I wish Hobi could see this." I grinned at the thought of the silly boy. He had a super sense. Whenever something was wrong with me, he knew exactly when and what I needed to get me back and running. I never spent time asking him to talk or give me help, he knew already, and by the time he visited me, the job was done, my problem was solved. 

"So you wanted me to see this huh?" I heard Hobi's voice. I laughed crazily. God, I'm so tired I'm even imagining his voice.

"Yep. You'd love it. But you know what I would love right now?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, humor lacing his tone.

"For me to get more sleep so I don't hallucinate your voice." I said. I heard him laugh.

"Is that it?" He asked.

"Nope. I want hot chocolate." I said sighing, slouching a little.

"One step ahead of you." My hands were warmed by the hot chocolate cup. I took a sip.

"Wow this tastes so real." I smiled a little. I looked at the view and my smile faded.  

"Stop thinking negative things Y/n-ah. We said we would follow our dreams no matter what. I would become a famous dancer and you'd be my makeup artist and we would go on tour together. Remember?" He said. I laughed again, of course he knew what I was thinking.

"Of course." I touched my collar bone instinctively where my necklace hung. I had the necklace he had the bracelet.

"Don't worry you little twerp." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I groaned.

"Stop calling me that." I hated when he called me that so much. I slapped his arm. My eyes widened, and I jumped.

"Why did I just feel your hand?" I held my hand close to my chest.

"Damn Y/n you need so much sleep! You're even thinking I'm here right now." A teasing smile played on his lips.

"I know right! God, Hobi help me." I whined sitting down. He laughed putting an arm around my shoulder again.

"I'm actually here stupid." He whispered. I jumped again.

"Oh my god stop!" I groaned. He laughed again getting up. I squinted my eyes at him. He sighed and shuffled towards me. And pinched my arm hard.

"OW!" I squealed and jumped a little.

"I'm real Y/n." A frown was on his face. I set my cup down and screamed running towards him.

"HOBBBIII!!!!" I jumped into his arms and squeezed his tiny waist hard.

"Is this revenge for me punching you or are you just hugging me?" He asked in between painful gasps.

"Both." I said laughing. I let go of his waist and put both my hands on his cheeks squishing them until his face looked funny.

"Are you actually here?" I asked again. He smiled.

"Yes." He said again.

"Hobi, you have no idea how glad I am to see you!" I hugged him again.

"Why'd you come?" I said.

"My sense was tingling." he said laughing. I laughed.

"Isn't it a long journey you must be so tired! How long are you staying?" I asked while I picked up my stuff and signaled him to follow me.

"Yeah it was and I'm tired but it's okay, it as all worth it since I got to see you. I'm actually here for idol auditions I don't know how they'll go. I promise I'll buy my own place but could I stay with you awhile?" He rubbed the back of his head unsurely. I smiled and dragged him out of the stuffy building.

"Of course it's fine, you can stay however long you need to. But just a warning, it's not the best place." I grinned sheepishly.

"It's okay I can live with it." he said. I smiled.

"I have so much to show you!" I skipped happily. The bus rolled up and we got on, I payed for both of us and took us to the back.

"I'm sure." He said laughing a little. A comfortable silence took over.

"I missed you." We said at the same time. We looked at each other and burst out laughing for some reason. It was just the giddiness in the air that feeling you get when you see an old friend I guess. I felt warmer than I had ever felt after coming to Seoul. For the rest of the night, we couldn't stop. The lady next door brought us hangover the soup the next morning thinking that we were drunk.After closing the door politely behind me, I looked at the bowl, and the laughter started laughing again. We weren't drunk on alcohol, we were drunk on the memories we couldn't make over the past three years.


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