지민: 반 회장

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"Are you SERIOUS?!" I groaned slamming my head down on to my desk, my test results clutched tightly in my hand

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"Are you SERIOUS?!" I groaned slamming my head down on to my desk, my test results clutched tightly in my hand. I cussed myself out mentally, I was screwed. I had studied so hard this time and even took help, I thought I rocked that exam.

"She's last again." I heard a few girls walk past me, muttering and laughing at my failure. I gritted my teeth and lifted my head up.

"Studying isn't everything." I yelled back at them. They turned back smirking and laughing.

"Crazy bitch." One girl muttered. I jumped out my seat.

"Come here you little-" I didn't get to finish when I felt someone hold me back. I strained against them.

"Let me go, I need to knock those perfect teeth out of her mouth so she learns not to talk when she shouldn't." I tried jabbing my arm in to their stomach but nothing budge and the girls who I so badly wanted to hurt already disappeared out of the classroom still laughing. 

As soon as they were out of sight the person let go of me. I turned around ready to fight the person who held me back as well but was met my a cold air of wind instead.

"Kim Y/n! What are you still doing standing up? It's time for class, sit down!" To my utter annoyance, the teacher managed to walk in time for class. My middle finger twitched in response but I obediently sat down bottling all my anger inside myself. As soon as the teacher had opened up her mouth about some math crap, sleepiness came over me like it knew I wouldn't pay attention anyway. 

It's probably why I got last place in the school. After a hour and half of napping and missing a lot of math content that I really didn't care about, I gathered my stuff and began leaving when my teacher called my name. I walked slowly to her desk. She looked at me through her dark rimmed glasses.

"Y/n.. I can't help but noticing you've been struggling with school, is there something I need to know about?" I snorted. 

"No." I answered simply shrugging. The teacher frowned.

"I know you don't like studying but you have to do some to at least pass high school." She trailed off. I frowned along with her.

"You'll be having tutoring lessons with the class president until finals everyday after school." She said. My head whipped up and I tried hard not to smile like a crazy person.

"It's my final word Y/n." She said. As soon as she left I began dancing in victory. I had tutoring everyday with my boyfriend. Jimin and I have been dating for two years, we weren't secretive either, it was a open relationship. Though our school circled around academics, they were the students were too dumb to put two and two together, so not a lot of people figured it out.

"I'm here." A red haired boy with a cute smile walked in to the classroom.

"CHIM!" I squealed jumping into his arms. He flinched.

"What's wrong?" I asked in worry.

"Your elbow is hella strong Y/n." He said. I laughed.

"It was you holding me back?" I asked he nodded.

"Your temper matches my hair." He smiled again cutely. I rolled my eyes.

"Haha very funny." He laughed guiding me to the back of the classroom. I unpacked my backpack taking my math book out for the second time, I never touched it more than once a week. I flinched at the sight. God, I hated math.

"Can we start with math? I didn't pay attention to today's lecture and I think I'll probably fail next week's test too-" I didn't finish when I felt something warm. Jimin's head was comfortably on my lap. His long body laid horizontally on a few chairs.

"What the heck?" I looked at him. He looked up at me smiling innocently.

"I didn't sleep at all the last few nights because of the exams, I'm going to sleep." He said. I scoffed.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping me?" I said. He grinned and shrugged. I sulked.

"Chim, I need help! Just because you can pass every test with hundreds doesn't mean everyone can. How am I going to show this to my mom, she's going to beat me to death! Ugh! Please help me.." I kept whining until I felt something on my lips. My eyes widened. He supported his weight by putting his hands on either side of me, turning his head so he can deepen the kiss.

"Please let me sleep baby, I promise I'll tutor you tomorrow, your lap is so much more comfortable than my bed, I've been waiting for this the whole day!" He pouted. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest.

"Pervert." I murmured. He grinned but then pouted again.

"Fine." I said. He smiled kissing me again and returned to the previous position. I hated how much control he had on me. One kiss was all it took to convince me. My hand stroked his head softly and I smiled as his breathes evened.

"Love you Chim." I said. He mumbled something cutely and turned, burying his face in my stomach. I smiled and patted him as I tried tackling the math problems on my own. This was going to be a long two hours.

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