호비: 사랑에는 나이가 없다

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"Y/n! Turn the music down!" I yelled up the stairs

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"Y/n! Turn the music down!" I yelled up the stairs. A cheesy love song was blaring from inside her room. It didn't seem all that bad at first but the sound hasn't stopped for three hours. Even worse, it was the same freaking song on repeat. I heard no effort from my sister's room to follow my instructions so I sighed and trudged up the stairs. I loved her with all my heart but she needed to stop watching all those cheesy kdramas with Jin hyung. I knocked on her door.

"Y/n!" I yelled and I didn't hear a response. I yelled again but there wasn't even movement.

"You're gonna yell at me for invading your privacy but I'm getting worried so I'm coming in." I stated and turned the doorknob. The room was barely lit and almost a dozen pillows were scattered over her messy pink bed. Her tiny form was hidden behind some of the pillows in the middle of her bed.

"Y/n?" I called out softly. I heard soft sniffles and I ran over to her.

"Hey, you okay?" I looked at her worriedly. Her nose and eyes were red. She was definitely crying. My big brother instincts kicked in immediately.

"Who do I need to beat up? Are you okay princess?" I smoothed her hair back from her face and she snuggled into my touch. With one big lip quiver she burst into tears.

"Y/n, hey, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly taking her into my arms.

"Hobi, I want to be in love." My force contorted into my bitch face. This little shit was crying because of this? Oh my God.

"What?" I asked carefully.

"Everyone's dating already and I just want to be loved. Am I not pretty enough? Am I really that unattractive? Why won't anyone like me?" I softened a little.

"Hey, you're the prettiest girl in the entire universe don't ever say that! Every time you laugh no one can resist the urge to smile. You're so beautiful and cute and nothing will ever change that." I spoke. She hiccupped a few times and spoke again.

"Than why doesn't anyone like me?" I shook my head.

"You don't need a stupid guy to think you're beautiful!" I said in exasperation.

"But guys only like pretty girls." My heart broke in two.

"Sweetie no." I said scooping her up into my arms.

"Guys like a girls who walk around with messy hair and don't care, they like a girl who can smile and let them say that she's beautiful without disagreeing, guys like a girl who can stay by them without ever moving on to another guy, guys like girls like you. Because you're you." I whispered comfortingly.

"The right guy hasn't come yet Y/n. Besides, he's have to have the wits to outsmart me and my questions before he gets anywhere near you." I smiled when I heard her giggle.

"Don't hide your true self, be you, love yourself, that's the only way you can shine brighter than the other girls. Diets, makeup, fake personalities, they aren't worth it and will never be." I went on.

"Promise me you'll always stay true to yourself." I said sticking out my pinky. She lifted her small head off of my chest and intertwined her pinky with mine. I smiled and ruffled her head.

"I knew I shouldn't' have let you watch those stupid kdramas." I scolded. She scowled.

"Way to ruin the moment oppa." I smiled and got myself out of the bed.

"Now turn the music down and study, you have homework." I said opening the bedroom

door and stepping out.

"Okay." I heard her call out. I closed the door behind me and let out a breathe. I padded

downstairs and walked downstairs, grabbing my phone and dialing Jin's number. H e picked up after the third ring.

"Hyung I have a question." I mumbled. I heard him hum through the other end of the phone.

"What? Quick, I think I heard a crash from Jungkook's bedroom." I scratched my head.

"Why is my six year old sister crying about wanting to be in love?"


Hey Mochis!

Lol this was fun to write, I hope you like that little pop twist I had at the end!

Have and amazing day!

~ Author-nim

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