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Jin p.o.v

It's finally Christmas time! I hummed happily as I pulled into the store parking lot. The boys and Y/n decided to do a secret Santa. She made the chits and we picked from a hat, the good old fashioned way. A smile replaced my expressionless face as soon as I saw the cheery employees.

"Hello!" I bowed and smiled at them. They waved, their work uniforms adorned in dorky Christmas decorations that otherwise belongs on a tree. I speed walked through the store. Y/n was my secret Santa, I honestly knew exactly what to get her, it's kind of obvious. She had an obsession with all things yellow.

"Where could it be?" I looked around and walked through many aisles until I saw it. My eyes sparked with excitement.

"She's going to have to love it." I squealed. I grabbed it before thinking twice and walked to the checkout before any of the pink things could distract me.

"Is this all?" The cashier asked me. I nodded with a smile and handed her my credit card. She processed my purchase and grabbed the bag.

"Thank you and happy holidays!" I smiled and waved happily. He bowed and did the same. I stepped into the cool air, heading out my car. Y/n's going to love it!

Suga p.o.v

I stared long and hard at the object in front of me. It was expensive. But my secret santa will definitely like it. But do I really want to spend money on that piece of shit? Do I have energy to be nice? I sighed and tiredly picked up the object. I padded lazily to the cashier and handed her the object.

"This please." I said handing her my credit card. This piece of shit better like it.

"Here you go! Merry Christmas!" She smiled at me happily and I smiled at her excitement. She was so young, must be nice. I remember when  I was young, before Jin hyung tired me out and took my youngness to smother his old age. I shook my head and walked to the bus station. The party was tonight and no one was in the dorm. Everyone was out buying the presents for their secret Santa. I agreed to help the maknae line put up decorations and I regret my decision now.

Decorating was already tiring enough, doing it with the maknae line, I could wish my patience goodbye. I smiled at the troublesome children. God I loved them. I smiled and climbed onto the bus, scanning my metro card, and settling in a window seat. Honestly, I was content with how this Christmas was going to turn out. I loved every single one of them anyway.

Namjoon's p.o.v

This was it the moment of truth. I closed my eyes and let my hand do its job. I was picking a present for my secret Santa but I couldn't choose between the three stuffed animals. Instead I just picked randomly. I opened my eyes with a smile.

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