지민: 그린 피부

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"Y/n-ah I'm home!" I heard Jimin call out

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"Y/n-ah I'm home!" I heard Jimin call out. He dragged his feet into our house and lazily took his shoes off. After a few more seconds, he stumbled into the living room, sprawling onto the couch. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Jimin." I called out. He grumbled in response.

"Get your dirty but off the couch." I scolded. He groaned throwing his arms into the air, motioning me to come give him a hug. I smiled and walked to him.

"Tiring day?" I asked. He nodded as he snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I wrinkled my nose in disgust again.

"You stink go take a shower you rice cake." I giggled tapping his nose. He looked at me dead in the eye.

"No." He pouted like a little kid. I sighed getting off of him.

"Come on, it's not good for your skin or the air quality." I muttered. Jimin groaned.

"But I'm so tired!" He whined getting up. I looked at him tapping my foot on the ground impatiently.

"Go take a shower Jimin!" I pushed him into our bedroom. He rolled his eyes.

"Ask nicely." He smirked, I laughed.

"You're such a baby." I shot back and pushed him into the bathroom shutting the door on his face.

"Come out when you don't stink! I'll have dinner ready." I called out.

"You're so mean." I heard him mumble. I giggled and made my way to the kitchen. Humming Bangtan's new song under my breathe I placed everything in plates and began placing them on the table outside. The weather was so nice and thee city view was amazing at night so I decided it would be nice to eat in our patio. As I placed a cover over the food, I heard Jimin call my name.

"Y/N!" I rolled my eyes and made my way to the bedroom.

"What is it Jiminie?" I poked my head into the bedroom. There stood Jimin in his all glory only in sweatpants, his abs in full display. My face turned red immediately. I had been dating him for five years and he still makes me so flustered. He smirked at my reaction but quickly changed his expression when I glared at him.

"Can you dry my hair?" He said jutting out his hand to hand me a towel. I was going to tell him to do it himself but that's when I saw a ugly bruise on his arm.

"Oh my God Jimin!" I entered the room hurriedly and examined his hand.

"What happened? How'd you get this? Does this need to be treated? Do you need to go to the doctor? Did you put medicine on it? Did it happen while you were dancing? I told you to be careful!" I had many more questions lined up but he lifted my head up and connected his lips with mine.

"I'm fine baby. It's just a little accident. I bumped into Jungkook when we were dancing." He said sheepishly. I looked at him sadly.

"You have to be careful Jimin! This is exactly why I don't like you practicing so hard! Your health is more important than getting a dance move right!" I started rambling again but Jimin began showering my face in kisses. My pestering soon turned into giggles. He smiled at me.

"I'm really okay." He said. I frowned again.

"Please be careful." I said. He nodded.

"Now can you please dry my hair I can feel the water drip down my sexy back." He wiggled his eyebrows seductively. I laughed and slapped his head.

"Shut up." He sat down on the bed and grabbed the towel from his hand.

"After I'm done drying your hair I'm going to apply some medicine on that bruise. It looks really painful. I'll wrap a cast around it because it's too big for a band aid.. I don't want you moving it!" I said sternly. I started drying his hair spewing more instructions. I wasn't exaggerating the bruise looked really painful. It was mostly blue but purple in some places and took up almost half his arm. I don't know which is scarier, Jimin not feeling the pain with that big of a bruise on his arm or the bruise happening because he simply bumped into Jungkook. That muscle pig. He's going to get it the next time I see him. 

I didn't notice Jimin studying the various emotions changing on my face while various thoughts went through my head. Suddenly Jimin kissed my lips. He was looking up at me with a cute smile, his arms tangled around my waist.

"Can we just cuddle Y/n?" He asked me with a pout. My feet turned to jello and I tripped a little my hands immediately going to his shoulders for support.

"Please?" He said kissing my cheek softly. I closed my eyes breathing in his scent. He smelled like rain, a scent I grew to love.

"Okay. But what about dinner?" I asked softly. He giggled.

"You put a cover on it right?" He asked. I nodded. With one swift movement I was scooped comfortably in his arms.

"Then don't worry about it love." He studied my eyes.

"I love you Y/n." He said softly kissing my head. I smiled

"I love you too Jimin." I replied back.


I was trying to write a fluff about another member but I just couldn't imagine this happening to anyone else except Jimin lol

I hope you guys like this one :)

Also, the second chapter for Charmed is out so go check it out!


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