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Growing up with five brothers isn't a joke

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Growing up with five brothers isn't a joke. It was super annoying, I never got a chance to play with dolls, or makeup, or anything like that it was toy guns and car games from the beginning. So I naturally was more comfortable hanging out with guys, dressing in comfortable clothes, liking what most guys liked, and it was also natural that I hated dresses, and putting on makeup, and doing anything girly. It was just how I was raised. I didn't mind at all, I liked worn out jeans and baggy shirts, not only were they comfortable, I didn't look one bit like the girls in my class. So, I don't really know how I ended up being best friends with Mina, her personality was tight skirts and pink sweaters.

"FINALLY!" She giggled, but to me she looked like she came straight out of a horror film, her face contorted in to an evil expression.

"What the fuck was that Mina?" I furrowed my eyebrows a little worried and a little weirded out by my friend.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I WAITED FOR THIS MOMENT Y/N!" She creepily went and locked my bedroom door. I rolled my eyes. I hope no one can hear her, they would definitely think I'm about to get robbed. She pulled out her ultra sized makeup bag.

"IT'S FINALLY TIME!" She cackled again.

"You're so extra." I rolled my eyes again and went to sit in front of the old fashioned vanity I got for my 5th birthday.

"Remind me to thank Yoongi." She said wiping off fake tears from her eyes. I looked at her, a bored expression on my face.

"What?" She asked like she had no idea why I looked like I wanted to kill someone.

"I swear to God Y/n, those seven boys are the best thing that happened to your life." She said, no matter how bad I wanted to disagree it was true.

"You changed so much after you met them. I mean look at this! They managed to make you agree to going to a freaking PARTY. And where a DRESS and put on MAKEUP! Like, I couldn't even do that and I've been your friend for three years!" She rambled on as she got out her makeup supplies and laid them out on the vanity. I shuddered, there was too much pink and sparkles and fakeness. She pulled out fake eyelashes and I covered my mouth to prevent a scream from escaping my mouth.

"WHAT ARE THOSE?!" I pointed poisonously at the fake eyelashes. The smile dropped off Mina's face and she cut her eyes towards me.

"Those are fake lashes Y/n."

"If you want to give me a makeover you better put those away." I threatened, glaring at her. She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh. Fine." She put them back in her bag and I sighed in relief.

"But we're still using THESE!" She pulled out both a hair curler and those scary plastic tubes that were supposed to keep strands of hair in place.

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