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I waited patiently for Jimin to come home, I could tell just by looking at his long face that things weren't going right at work for him

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I waited patiently for Jimin to come home, I could tell just by looking at his long face that things weren't going right at work for him. His usually glowy complexion was dull due to his drastic decrease in excitement doing what he loves. I snapped out of my train of thought when I heard the door slam shut. There was no sound for a minute and than I heard soft footsteps.

"Yeobo I'm home." He said tiredly setting his stuff down. I got up smiling.

"Hey. How's your day?" I asked making my way to the kitchen so that I could set the dining table up for dinner.

"How'd you think it went?" I shrugged the snappy comment off and brought out all the utensils.

"I made your favorite." I said setting down some side dishes and finally a huge bowl of black bean noodles.

"Instead of doing all this, couldn't you go and get yourself a good paying job so I wouldn't be the only one suffering." He said again sternly picking up his chopsticks and serving himself. I stood, rooted in my spot. Now that hurt. I didn't mean for him to have all the pressure, in fact I had asked him multiple times when things started looking serious in our relationship if he wanted me to get a job and he just simply shook his head and smiled at me saying he wanted me to be happy.

I looked at the man a little while longer but my anger dissolved immediately when I saw his tense shoulders, sad eyes, and sweat stained skin. He worked hard. For him. And for us. I shrugged off the comment once again and sat down in front of him serving myself.

"Are they okay?" I said referring to the noodles. He looked at the bowl and took some. He had been eating all the side dishes until now. He took a bite and set his chopsticks down forcefully.

"They're too salty. You can't even cook right." He glared at me and abruptly got up from the table., shuffling upstairs. I looked down at my plate. They tasted fine to me. Jimin was never mean to me, he was always quite the opposite, always the one to cheer me up, always the one that helped me get through hard times, always the one that knew just what to say. Once BTS began gaining more popularity I feel like I was losing him bit by bit, he was always out or working and came home after I slept and left before I woke up the next morning. With him barely being home, I didn't know what to think. I get so anxious when he doesn't respond to my texts or tell me I love you first. It was wrong that I was missing him when he was here. I knew our relationship was slowly getting farther and farther from my grasp so I've been pondering on the thought. I don't know if I  can do this any longer. 

Right at that moment, all the amazing memories I had with Jimin flashed before my eyes and I knew immediately how I truly felt. Relationship means sacrifice. Marrying Jimin, I vowed to be there for him, through light and dark, so that's what I was going to do from now on. I never once gave him the encouragement needed during the last few months, never once asked him what was wrong at work, never once told him that there was someone he can trust, right here, at home. So I deserved that. I deserved everything he said because I was too caught up in pitying myself because my husband was never home. I got up wiping the sauce of my lips and softly padded upstairs. Creaking open the door I saw Jimin curled into himself on our bed. Tears erupted from my eyes. Why did he look so lonely when there were two people in the house? I sat down softly next to him.

"Jimin." I said softly. He didn't' stir.

"Baby?" I called again.

"What do you want." He said grouchily. I lent down, giving a huge kiss in the smack middle of his forehead. Smiling I lent down again and began covering his face with as many kisses as I could, on his cheeks, nose, forehead, chin. I got up and stroked his hair.

"I know that your struggling right now in work. And I know it's hard. Sometimes dreams don't always seem like dreams. But I also know that you're Park Jimin, the same Park Jimin that met me eight years ago in a coffee shop, the same Park Jimin who purposefully came to that coffee shop every Wednesday because he knew I would be there, and the same Park Jimin that went up to my parents and asked to be my boyfriend and a few years later, my husband. You're so strong and beautiful and I can't even explain how much I love you. I'll always be rooting for you. When things get hard, just remember you have me, you have the six guys, and you have thousands of fans that will support you through anything. In all our eyes you'll always be number one. So please don't be sad and power through everyday with your head held high, because we know that you can do it and deep down I know you do too. Go show whoever's bullying you at work who you are and if that doesn't work, call me. There's nothing scarier than a mad ahjumma." I said laughing slightly at the end. His head transferred from the bed to my lap and he curled inward, his face in my stomach. I smile thinking I cheered him up until I felt his tears soak through my shirt.

"Chim?" I said worriedly. He faced me, his nose red and his eyes still leaking tears.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I've been such a bad husband." He said sniffling. I smiled.

"No baby, I know you didn't mean anything that you said, we've been having a rough time together for a few months haven't we?" I said sadly. He nodded.

"Then let's fix that. Do you know why we've been having a hard time together?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Because we won't open up to each other. Jimin-ah we need to trust each other and lean on each other for help okay? We can't deal with life alone, let's battle it together from now on hmm?" I asked softly humming. He nodded and went back to his previous position. I smiled slightly as I heard his breathe even out. He looked the most peaceful I've seen in him a days.

"Thanks Y/n." He mumbled sleepily. I giggled a little.

"Goodnight yeobo." I said in a whisper. I smiled slightly stroking his hair and studying his face. I blinked, taking a picture of a sleeping Jimin to store in my memory forever.

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