진 : 라이즈 앤 샤인

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"OPPA WAKE UP!" I jumped on to the bed, narrowly avoiding Jin's hand that was sprawled lazily on my side of the bed

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"OPPA WAKE UP!" I jumped on to the bed, narrowly avoiding Jin's hand that was sprawled lazily on my side of the bed. He mumbled something sleepily and turned around cuddling into himself. I giggled. His cheeks were rosy with sleep and his eyes were closed peacefully. It was his first day back from his world tour and he promised me we would have a kitchen date, basically meaning he would teach me how to cook something good. I sucked at cooking and once Jin and I started dating, he slowly started teaching me how to cook from the basics. To  my relief, I'm a natural. I smiled at the thought of his proud face when I bring in home cooked meals for the guys when they were too busy practicing. 

"Oppa.." I whined poking his cheek softly. He grabbed my hand kissing it gently and opened his eyes. He smiled at me softly.

"Good morning jagi." He spoke. I grinned eagerly lying down beside him and turning to face him.

"You promised me a kitchen date, but you won't get up!" I pouted. Jin leaned down kissing me softly on the temple.

"But I'm sleepy..." He sang, placing his head in the crook of my neck shaking it softly. His fluffy hair tickled my neck. I giggled.

"We can take a nap after lunch, can you please teach me!" I tried to persuade him again but he just dug his head deeper into my neck, leaving small kisses. My breath hitched.

"Stop it oppa!" I slapped his back lightly but he continued.

"But I'm so tired. And cuddling and kissing Y/n makes me get all my energy back!" He said in between kisses. I sighed. It felt nice having back home. I missed him too much. I clutched the cloth on his back.

"I'm never letting you leave for a world tour ever again." I said crossly. He laughed and looked up studying my face.

"Did you miss me?" He asked. I frowned.

"Of course I did! That's why I want you to get up so we can have a date! We didn't have one for six months!" I said. He frowned and kissed my lips softly.

"I'm sorry jagi." He said. I smiled.

"It's okay now that your back. Now get up before I get a glass of water to do it for you!" I said. A low laugh rumbled through him.

"Are you threatening me?" He asked. I nodded, knitting my eyebrows in determination.

"Stop trying to acting mean baby, you're too cute for that." He said, I frowned.

"Am not!" I said crossing my arms over my chest angrily. He laughed.

"You just proved my point." He said. I rolled out from underneath him.

"You tease me too much." I tried getting out of the bed but Jin pulled my arm back. With one tug, I was back in the previous position.

"I need to cuddle and kiss Y/n to get all charged up remember?" Jin said dropping like a fly on me. I laughed.

"Get of me, you're heavy." He shook his head and just lied on top of me while I tried getting him off. After a few more attempts and few hits Jin finally groaned and rolled next to me.

"You were so comfy." He said pouting. I tapped his nose.

"I'm not your bed." I replied smirking. He studied my face again before leaning in to another kiss. This time, it wasn't just a morning kiss, it was a kiss that told each other how much we missed one another without talking. The kitchen date was long forgotten.

"How'd you feel about a lazy date Y/n?" He asked as he cuddled into me. I smiled.

"Sounds like a plan." For the rest of the day we spent time catching up, he told me all about the adventures he had with the boys and I complained to him about work. I missed laughing with him, I almost forgot how happy he actually made me feel. Turns out, this was one of the best dates ever.

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