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"Ya broad shoulders!" I was fuming,  Kim Seokjin is going to die tonight

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"Ya broad shoulders!" I was fuming,  Kim Seokjin is going to die tonight.

"Shit." I heard him mutter. He was looking around frantically, trying to escape the situation. But before he could escape, I was already right in front of him, my hand already slapping his head.

"HOW COULD YOU MISS THAT PASS!" I screamed. He flinched.

"I'm giving you three seconds to explain." I waited impatiently.

"Umm the football stadium lights blinded me..." He said quickly.

"I thought Jungkook was going to get it!" He said again.

"I ate something greasy before the game, so my hands were slippery?" He nervously laughed. I grimaced.

"You ate something UNHEALTHY before the game?" I asked quietly. Jin visibly gulped.

"Noooo... What makes you think that?" He was slowly backing away.

"KIM SEOKJIN, YOU'RE THE STUPIDEST HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET! GO RUN TWENTY LAPS AROUND THE STADIUM RIGHT NOW!" He immediately took the chance to escape from my clutches and ran off, happy he got away with only twenty laps. Before you mistaken me for some person I'm not, I'm not his coach. In fact I was simply his best friend and a football freak. Which is how I met Jin. He was my neighbor and he used to always be in his backyard throwing a football around, so one day I went to go ask him if I could play as well. Now both of us were juniors in high school, Jin is a football player, and I was well, a crazy fan, not of him, but of the sport. Believe me the football team has a LOT of fans already.

With people as good looking as Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook, Mark, Jaebum, Jackson, and Yugyeom even I find myself drooling sometimes. The crowd had already emptied the stadium and I sat comfortably on the bleachers, watching Jin complete twenty laps in a matter of a few minutes. I smiled. I remember when he first started football, he always came home exhausted and had barely enough time to eat. So, I took it on myself to be his 'manager' of some sort. The boys just called it me being annoying and taking care of Jin all too well. Jin plopped down next to me panting heavily. I jutted out my hand and he took the water bottle from me.

"Thanks." He said. I nodded.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I know I screwed it up for the team." He was flinching. He had missed one of the easiest passes in the game that could have made our team win, instead the other team left with a victory by one point. I shrugged.

"Yeah it sucked, but I know you tried. Don't beat yourself up because of it. Just train harder, make the other guys are okay though." I said. He nodded and got up.

"You coming?" He asked. I nodded.

"Omma told me to get you home safely." I was referring to his mom. He smiled and I laughed. Mrs. Kim was always super worried about her broad shouldered son. I didn't blame her. You'd think with shoulders like that maybe he would have a brain in there somewhere. We headed to the boy's locker room. Once we reached it, I waited outside and ushered Jin inside.

"Go in there and tell them your sorry and that you'll train harder." I said and smiled. He nodded and grimaced slightly. I shook my head, I could tell he was thinking too much. The football team members were his best friends, they never fought over simple things like this. He was going to be fine, but I guess he felt more guilty than I thought he did. I sat on a bench close to the locker room and waited for him to come out. After scrolling on my phone a bit, my eyes started feeling heavy. I rested my head on the back wall and closed my eyes. I'll sleep until Jin comes out. I thought. Before I could say 'Jimin got no jams' I was out like a light.

Jin's point of view

"Oh noona is out there?" Jungkook was smiling. I nodded and smiled. I profoundly apologized over and over again to the members, but they assured me it was okay, and that it wasn't just me who needed to practice harder but them also. I had amazing teammates.

"Let's go get noona and go eat some ramen." Taehyung said happily. The guys nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Hobi rubbed his stomach. I smiled.

"Y/n will skin us alive if we eat ramen this late at night." I said laughing. Namjoon grimaced.

"Yeah, noona will probably try to convince us to eat just salad and drink some milk. We've been eating the same thing for the past month just for this freaking game. I want ramen." Namjoon said.

"As much as I love Y/n noona, I think I might rebel today." Jimin smiled guiltily. Yoongi nodded sleepily.

"If all of us ask, I don't think she'll be able to say no." I said and they nodded. I looked around to finally notice the absence of four other teammates.

"Where are the others?" I asked. 

"They left to go get crash at Jaebum's place." Namjoon said. I nodded.

"Mission, convince noona so that we can eat junk food, GO!" Jimin cheered. I rolled my eyes and headed out of the locker room. I gently closed the door behind me, after everyone got out, and heard no voices. Confused, I walked up to the group of guys.

"What are you guys doing? I thought you were going to convince he-" I was going to finish when I saw Y/n cuddled in the corner of the bench clutching the 'Go Jin' poster she made the night before. I shook my head and grinned.

"I'll take her home and meet you guys at the restaurant." I said. They nodded, all of them smiling at the rare sight of a vulnerable Y/n. I couldn't help but be protective of her and block their view of her sleeping form.

"Y/n-ah." I said softly shaking her. She groaned and opened her eyes, immediately sitting up.

"Hmm? What is it? What's wrong? Did something happen? What'd I miss." She panickedly said. I laughed.

"I shouldn't have woken you up, you talk to much." She scowled.

"It was your choice to wake me up." She said and ended with a big yawn. Her arms were tightly wrapped around herself.

"Here." I said handing her my coat. She took it without a question and put it on. It was huge on her and I couldn't' help but giggle, she looked like a penguin.

"Get on." I said motioning to her back. She nodded sleepily and got up. She got onto my back and I held onto her.

"I thought you were supposed to see if I got home safe." I said smiling a little. She nodded.

"Mhmm. Sorry." She said. I shook my head.

"It's okay." I said.

"Thanks Jinnie." She muttered in my ear. Her head gently resting on my shoulder. I could tell she was already nodding off.

"Anytime Jellybean." I said softly back, using her childhood nickname. I walked slowly in the cool night, the thoughts of ramen and the football team members gone. All that mattered in this moment was my guardian angel sleeping soundly on my back.


Ayyy an update look at me actually not bein a lazy ass for once


This one is a bit different never really written about sports so I hope I didn't screw anything up

At least I learned that 11 people are on football teams, lol I know, I'm very uneducated on sports. Shoot me.

But yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Thanks for reading!


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