남준: 멀리 (Part 2)

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I kind of sort of cheated by giving you guys the part two without some suspense time, but I love ya'll too much <3

^^  Also, I found that picture online, my response to that picture: sets it as lock screen immediately ^^


"It's me you dork." My face lit up.

"OPPA!" I jumped into Jin's arms. He laughed and ended our call.

"I came to pick you up, I already made food for you at the dorm so eat there, take some leftover to your neighbors later." I nodded.

"Well then let's go!" I jumped happily and grabbed my phone and purse. He smiled and threw a hand over my shoulders.

"Let's go." The drive to the boys' dorm was the opposite of my drive from the airport. It was loud and crazy, Jin and I caught up, the music was loud and crazy, the windows were down, most importantly it felt like I was finally back home.

"Come, everyone's home except Namjoon, I'm pretty sure he went to go get his glasses from the store. He broke them again." Jin said as we pulled up in front of the apartment. My apartment complex looked like trash next to this one. It was so much bigger and so much more first class like.

"You guys are rich." I muttered, he laughed.

"Here." He unlocked the door and I walked in removing my shoes. A small brown puppy came running.

"Yeontan!" I squealed excitedly.

"Y/n's here!" I heard the maknae line before I saw them. They skidded to me in their socks, I'm surprised they didn't slip on the marble floor.


"TAN-AH!" I squealed and dived to scoop the fur ball into my arms. After the brown and black blurr was safely in my arms, I looked up to see Tae, Jimin, and Kookie frozen in an awkward position. Jin was laughing hysterically.

"They were trying to launch themselves onto you and you ducked to grab Yeontan just in time, they slipped and fell right on their faces." I looked at the scene in front of me. Taehyung was currently flat on the ground his head buried under the pile of shoes, Jungkook landed safely on top but his head had met the cold marble floor and Jimin was gracefully sitting on top of the two, the two grown male bodies completely covering his blow. I grinned crazily.

"Sorry." I laughed. They groaned and got up.

"Way to welcome yourself noona." Kookie flinched and rubbed his head.

"My hair smells like feet, I just washed it today too!" Taehyung sulked.

"I'm fine." Jimin smiled happily and crushed me in a hug. I laughed at their dorkiness.

"I missed you guys so much!" I squeeled and gave them all hugs. Yeontan escaped my arms and happily trotted into the living room, happy with the amount of attention he got.

"Hyung is going to be so happy!" I blushed.

"I can't wait to see him." I said softly. They snickered, elbowed each other, and gave each other signals. I rolled my eyes, I felt like I was back in high school, they were so childish.

"Where are the rest." I chuckled a little and sat down on the sofa.

"Y/N YOUR HOPE IS HERE." I jumped at the sudden loud voice. Before I could take in a breathe I was crushed by the one and only Jung Hoseok.

"Seok-ie!" I crushed him back in a hug.

"It's been so long! How are you? Are the foreigners nice to you? Oh my God, you're so skinny! I bet you didn't eat without me pestering you everyday! You probably didn't have some good Korean food, oh my GOD! JIN HYUNG MAKE Y/N SOME FOOD!" I chuckled and patted Hoseok on the head.

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