정국: 좋은 날 (Part 2)

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"And the cow jumped over the moon

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"And the cow jumped over the moon." I sighed and smiled lightly.

"Jungkook, are you even listening?" I asked the boy who was currently furrowing his eyebrows. His full concentration on folding a paper airplane. My eyes trailed over the neat pile of similar structures on his desk.

"I deleted Overwatch off your computer." I said rolling my eyes, trying to get his attention again. The paper airplane dropped from his hand and he looked up in alarm.


"You're lying." He was shouting at this point and the class looked at us. I laughed and touched his hand lightly.

"I was just trying to get your attention. Now sit down." I said. He sighed in relief.

"Kookie, you won't pass your college exams if you don't even try." I said lecturing him. He looked at me and whined.

"But Y/nnnn... It's so boring. Why would I spend time just trying to get into a place that will make me study more?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"So that you can get a good a good job, live in your own house, have your own car, and pamper your wife and children. Now sit your butt down and at least finish your math homework." I said sternly. He groaned and admitted defeat. Slouching in his seat he put his attention on the paper. It's been about a month since Jungkook spilled ink all over me, one month since I had become good friends with the seven boys, one month since I became one of the happiest person alive. Out of the seven boys, I've grown severely attached to Jungkook, I was relieved to figure out it was the same for him, we were practically joined at the hip.

"Y/n, I don't think I'm doing this right." Jungkook looked up, confusion written all over his face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see work repeatedly crossed out and I cringed at the sight of the messiness.

"I already explained to you how we do this. If you don't listen this time you're going to regret it." I warned. He nodded vigorously. I smiled again and took the pencil from his hand.

"Now, let the professional do it."


"Was it just me or was that the hardest test you ever took." Jungkook looked fazed as he walked out of our English classroom. I chuckled.

"It's definitely just you." I retorted back. He grimaced. I was going to tell him that it was in fact, not a test, but was simply a classwork assignment, but I decided against it, he already looked a little bit down.

"Well it's not my fault I'm friends with a genius." He said pouting. I ruffled his hair and continued walking to the cafeteria where the other six boys were waiting for us.

"I'm definitely not a genius and you're definitely not stupid so try a little bit harder and you'll probably be smarter than me." I glanced at his sulking figure. His hands were in his pockets so I hooked my arm around his.

"Jungkook-ah hwaiting!" I cheered loudly. He giggled, instantly cheering up. As soon as we reached our table I immediately sat in my spot, right between Jimin and Jungkook. I probably had the most entertaining spot at the table.

"Wassup wassup." I said in English. I held in my snicker when everyone except Namjoon had a mix of confusion and panic on their faces.

"It means what's up in English."

"Oh. Hey Y/n!" Jin was busy setting up the food for everyone. I honestly didn't know what he was doing since we have lunch trays. He brings in a fresh pair of chopsticks and side dishes enough for all of us everyday because the cafeteria materials and dishes may give us "food poisoning".

"Hello!" Namjoon smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Hiiii!" Taehyung waved at me and made a weird face.

"The smart one has made her appearance." Yoongi looked at me with a mix of annoyance and fondness. According to him 'there's only room for one genius' in the group. I laughed at his grouchiness.

"What's up?" Jimin slung an arm around my neck.

"Wassup wassup." I laughed as Hoseok tried to mimic my English. I twisted around and opened my backpack. I pulled out my lunchbox and placed on the table. I carefully got out my test results as well.

"Guys I'm super hungry today don't you dare eat my-" I stopped mid sentence when I glanced at my now empty lunchbox. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook smiled up at me I cringed when I saw my lunch still in the process of chewing.

"Eww." I recoiled. Jin swooped in slapping them over the head one time.

"Ya! Let the poor girl eat, she's so thin already she'll probably blow away if there's a strong wind." He scolded. I sighed as Jin managed to scold all four of us in one sentence flat.

"Here Y/n-ah eat lots." Jin smiled at me and piled a paper plate with different dishes. I smiled gratefully at him.

"Namjoon-ah." I smiled evilly. He stopped reading his book and looked at me. When he saw my mad grinning, he sighed knowing exactly what I wanted. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his test score.

"97!" I squealed, slamming my paper down and catching Hoseok by surprise.

"95." He droned disappointedly. I jumped up doing a little dance. He sighed. It was a routine, Namjoon and I were tight competition, Yoongi thought he was included in this too, but honestly he was only genius in music. (Don't tell him I said that.)

"And Y/n beats Namjoon Hyung again, leading her to be first place on the leaderboard." Jimin acted like he was videotaping and Taehyung acted like the spokesperson with his deep voice. I decided to play along and jumped up, bowing repeatedly.

"Thank you. Thank you. I would like you to say a few words." I said acting emotional and using a funny voice. Hoseok was laughing uncontrollably and the rest were joining in, even Yoongi was cracking a smile. I opened my mouth to continue until I realized I didn't have an award.

"Ya Jungkook. We have an emergency. I need an award!" I stage whispered. He saluted.

"On it." he quickly dug through his backpack and took out a pen, seeing that I was a bit farther than his grasp he through it at me.

"JUNGKOOK DON-" My mouth dropped open to see the pen on the ground and ink splattered once again on my uniform.

"Oh my God Jungkook." I groaned. He looked at me in alarm, by now the whole table was in hysterics. His face soon went from horror to amused.

"It seems a little familiar doesn't it?" He said giggling a little bit. I looked at him not one bit amused. He snorted and started laughing as hard as the rest, hooking an arm around my neck and hugging me.

"Sorry not sorry." He said through giggles. I blew an air of frustration but soon started smiling as well. I don't know why it took me so long to be friends with these dorks.


Hiiii~ So sorry I'm updating so late at night but here's the long awaited Good Day part 2!

I hope you guys like it as much as part 1!

This one's for you strawberryjamhhy  ;)


Have a lovely day!


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