호비 : 고정 된 비밀 (Part 2)

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I was a fast learner and Hobi was a great teacher, in about a month, we were unstoppable

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I was a fast learner and Hobi was a great teacher, in about a month, we were unstoppable. Because of his coaching, dancing became like breathing. I learned much quicker and understood the real meaning of difficult choreography. There were so many dance moves in my catalogue that free styling is going to be a breeze. But this experience didn't just teach me about dance, it taught me a lot of Hobi himself. It taught me that he always nags and is annoyingly a perfectionist, he hated complimenting my dancing until I had practiced the move at least a hundred times, and the fact that he thinks that my form is horrendous.

But there were also other things I observed, like how encouraging he is when I get frustrated, how he's always there to catch me, how he can't help but smile when I jump around with happiness when I finally get a move right, and how he's loud, funny, and beautiful in so many ways. I came to realize I may be really liked Hobi, not just him, but his whole package.

"Fine, I'll tutor you this month, let's see if you fall for me. I'm pretty hard to resist." Hobi's words from our first conversation echoed through my mind and I blushed a deep scarlet. I didn't realize how true his words would be.

"Yah Clueless." I snapped out of my train of thought when I heard Hobi's creative nickname. He was grinning and I smiled as he handed me a drink. We walked out of class, school was over for the day so we had to go to the studio to practice a few more times, the big day was tomorrow.

"Thanks Hobi." I said bringing the cold drink to my face. If he saw my blush I'm officially dead. He slung an arm around me as we weaved through the crowded hallway.

"Bye Y/n!" I waved at my friends.

"Damn. Y/n and Hoseok are together again, I hope they get together they are so cute."

"Wahh... I'm so jealous of Y/n, but I seriously ship it."

"Oh my God did you hear how she called Hoseok? She called him Hobi! And he calls her Clueless. Gah they're so cute when they tease each other."

"I wish they would hurry up and date." I felt a blush creeping up my face and I squished my cheeks harder. I heard Hobi laugh and tighten his grip on my shoulders.

"Come on let's get out of here." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and he led me out of the school. All the thoughts left my brain when I smelled the familiar air of the practice room. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. Hobi ruffled my hair and went to the bathroom to change. I smiled lightly and went to change as well. Putting on some sweatpants and a crop top, I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out.

"Ready?" Hobi asked. I nodded. As the music started playing my body automatically responded. I ended perfectly as the music faded. I went over it about three times before Hobi stopped the music for good.

"Good. I think you're ready." He said clapping happily. I beamed. I was sure I would never hear him say that.

"I should have recorded that." I said solemnly. He smiled.

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