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"Do you need another blanket? Maybe a sweater? Should I start a warm bath? Would you like hot chocolate? No, we shouldn't give you too much sugar, but hot chocolate is good on cold days, never mind I'll get you hot chocolate

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"Do you need another blanket? Maybe a sweater? Should I start a warm bath? Would you like hot chocolate? No, we shouldn't give you too much sugar, but hot chocolate is good on cold days, never mind I'll get you hot chocolate." I chuckled and put a hand on my husband's arm.

"Tae, I'm good. Really." I smiled brightly to get the point across. He furrowed his eyebrows and pouted.

"No. You need something, I know it. I just don't know what." I laughed again when he went into deep thought, biting his lip in desperation to help me in some sort of way. Deciding if I don't tell the man something to do, he might combust, I shook him lightly to get him out of his trance.

"Baby, hot chocolate sounds nice, I'm warm enough, but could you turn on the television?" I said smiling. He jumped up without a second thought.

"I knew it!" He smiled brightly and shuffled to perform my commands. I watched him with a smile on my face. Ever since we got the news that I was pregnant with a baby girl, Taehyung went into a frenzy. He barely left me alone and did everything I asked for, heck, he did everything I didn't ask for as well. He's been treating me like royalty, but than again, when has he ever not? Tae and I met at a movie theatre near the entertainment company he was training in. As time went by, I was thrilled to have him calling me 'jagi' and later 'yeobo'. Marrying him was the best decision I ever took and now, I can't imagine my life without him.

"Careful it's hot" He said softly placing the steaming mug in my hand.

"Thanks." He smiled at me and immediately shuffled to his lonely chair at the other end of the room. I laughed again, shaking my head.

"Taehyung-ah, sitting with me won't hurt the baby." I said. He looked up with wide eyes.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if I accidently spilt hot chocolate on her? Oh my God no way, I'm not coming over there." He looked at me in horror. I started to laugh hard, I couldn't help it, sometimes he was way too ridiculous. He looked at me sheepishly as I continued laughing.

"Come here you big baby." I chuckled. He took careful steps toward me, making sure he left his mug of hot chocolate on a table a universe farther than me and my baby bump. He laid down next to me carefully wrapping his hands around me, the television softly murmuring in the background.

"Our baby girl will love you, understand?" I said. He nodded innocently.

"Your going to be a great father and she has six other uncles that will protect her." My eyes got watery as I kept talking.

"You'll be the best thing that happened to her life and you'll always be the best part of my life." I felt Taehyung's embrace on me tighten. I knew that he was struggling with being a parent. The baby will be our first child and although he's the happiest man right now, I knew he was scared out of his wits about parenting and was acting brave and strong just for me.

"I know it's scary but we can raise her right. There will always be mistakes, but we will do our best, and she'll grow up to be strong and beautiful just like you." I said poking his chest and sniffling. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I could feel his tears.

"Taehyung? Tae? Baby?" I called out frantically and in worry. He lifted his face up and gave me a watery smile.

"They are happy tears don't worry." His voice cracked and I laughed. He smiled sheepishly and kissed me on the head.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you." He whispered. I blushed. We've been married for two years and he still had an effect on me. He smiled and bent down slowly, capturing my lips in his. It was slow and soft, the sweetest kiss I had ever received from him.

"I love you." He smiled. I smiled back.

"I love you too." His smile brightened and his gaze landed on my growing baby bump. He shifted towards it and placed a huge kiss right in the center. My mouth opened in surprise and than I giggled.

"And for you little one, mommy and daddy love you too." He spoke in a baby voice and I stifled giggles.

"I'll teach you how to sing and dance and we can make covers together. What if we made Kpop dance covers on You Tube together?!" He continued talking to my stomach. I smiled softly at the sight. I think I'll have to start raising two babies instead of just one.


Tae Tae <3

Hope you liked this one, never did a pregnancy one, I hope it was to your liking!

Leave your thoughts below, cuz I'm still unsure if I should do these kind of things for the others.


<3 <3 <3

~ Author-nim

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