진: 가족의 따뜻함

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"Y/n! Get the table in the corner

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"Y/n! Get the table in the corner." My manager's voice crackled in my ear. I quickly set down the bowl of soup in front of the pregnant woman and smiled warmly at her. I didn't stay long though, I shuffled quickly towards the rowdy group of men in the corner that had just called me.

"Hello my name's Y/n, and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you?" I smiled brightly and looked up at seven men staring at me. I shuffled from foot to foot nervously.

"Are you guys ready to order yet or should I come back?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Y/n?" I looked up when I heard a familiar voice. My eyes melt chocolate brown hair and eyes, a chiseled jawline, and the most charming smile. It was none other than my deliciously handsome... cousin.

"Jin?" I gawked. He erupted in his window wiper booming laugh.

"How have you been you little twerp?" He asked ruffling my hair. I smiled fondly at my cousin.

"A little busy. How about you, it's been so long since I've seen you, you stopped showing up at the Kim family reunions too." I pouted a little. Jin frowned.

"I know, I have always been on tour at the same time it as taking place. I'll come to the next one I promise." I chuckled.

"Hyung." Another guy nudged Jin's arm.

"Oh right. This is Bangtan." Jin acknowledged the six other boys for the first time in our conversation.

"Hello! My name is Y/n, nice to meet you all!" I bowed quickly. I was greeted by warm smiles.

"You probably don't know their names because whenever you watch us perform you're too captured by your precious cousin's handsome face. Let me introduce them to you." Jin stated matter of factly. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I see you every year, I don't need to study your face anymore. Besides, I already know their names, I like to watch you guys perform. You guys are amazing!" I stated happily. The table chuckled.

"She got you good hyung." I looked up to find the identifier of the voice. His face was enveloped in his deep dimples. I almost swooned. He was my bias, I honestly don't know how I'm keeping my cool so well.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, she's just snobby 'cuz she's related to this." He pointed at his face. I chuckled again.

"Your ego is bigger than your head. That says a lot." I pinched Jin's ear. He jumped and pried my hand away.

"Y/n, we need you at two other tables, hurry up!" My manager's voice screeched through my headphones again. I flinched.

"I have to speed through this guys, I'm so sorry. What would you guys like to eat?" I said, stumbling over the words. Fridays were our busiest days, the restaurant located in the middle of the city didn't help either. They need to hire some more waiters and waitresses.

"Oh, sorry about that." Jin scratched the back of his head. In five minutes the guys ordered what they wanted, and I sped through the rest of the tables.

"I want ramen," I mumbled sleepily. I exited the restaurant, and the cold air hit me. I forgot how cold it was at night. I shivered and rubbed my arms in desperation my breath coming out in puffs in front of me.

"Here." I jumped to see Jin. He was handing me his jacket. I took it gratefully.

"You were waiting?' I asked. He nodded.

"I don't know why you're leaving so late at night. It's so dangerous!" He scolded. I chuckled.

"I'm fine dear cousin, thank you for your unnecessary concern for my twenty-five-year-old ass," I mumbled sarcastically, he whacked me over the head.

"Come to live closer to me after you're done with university." He said. I nodded.

"My mom will make me even if I don't want to." He laughed.

"It was nice seeing you cousin." Jin squished me in a hug. I snuggled into his warm chest. I sniffled, I missed him so goddamn much. Jin and I were the closest in our family, we were close in age and were very much like each other. After our families moved apart I barely got to see him, after he joined Bangtan, I never got to see him.

"You too cousin." I looked up at him.

"You're still a crybaby huh?" He asked. I smacked him, and he chuckled. Even though my foggy vision I could see that he was crying too. He bent down and gave me a big kiss in the middle of my forehead.

"Go back home it's late," he stated softly. I nodded breaking out of his grasp and immediately missed his warmth.

"Jin," I called out.


"Could you do me a favor?" I asked. He looked up lovingly.

"Of course, what do you need?" I smiled at him slyly.

"Could you give me Namjoon's number?" I said tapping my shoes on the concrete in fake shyness.

"Come here you little-" I squealed and ran from him.

"Shut up and go home, YOU'RE NOT DATING ANY OF THEM!" I heard him call after me. I kept running until I was a good thousand feet away.

"BYE!" I yelled. I saw him wave at me.

"BYE!" He yelled. I waved one last time and ran to the bus stop to catch the last bus. Even with the cold weather, I was warm all the way home.


Happy early Thanksgiving Mochis <3 ~


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