슈가 : 모욕

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As of this day, it's been five years since my happiness never returned

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As of this day, it's been five years since my happiness never returned. Call me extra, but it's true. From the beginning of time, I was a bit of a special case. I never colored in the lines, never cut according to the instructions, never napped when I was supposed to, back than they called it cute. Throughout elementary and high school, I never treated the kids nicely, never did the homework, never liked the hot singers kids obsessed over. People would look at me and the explanation for my behavior would just be 'she's a teenager'. Than collage came around, for the sake of my future I began studying more and was more sociable, nice, outgoing, everything expected from a perfect daughter. 

But in all honestly, I was only happy when I was younger. It was because I had someone with me, doing the same exact thing. Min Yoongi was his name. The only source of my happiness throughout my entire life. I met him the first day of elementary and we were joined at the hip ever since. High school was the best with him, we ditched class together, got in trouble together, developed a passion for music together. We promised each other that even after we start raising our own families and grow old, we would never leave each other. Cheesy, I know.

Promises are meant to be kept. Yoongi knew that was my number one motto. If I made a promise it was here to stay. I thought he understood that clearly until on a normal Monday morning when Yoongi didn't show up to school, and suddenly he was never at school. When I finally figured out something was wrong and went to his house, it was empty. A new family was already living in it. As this fact sunk in, I began acting differently from the moment I realized he was gone for good. I changed for other people hiding the real Y/n deep inside myself. I had promised  that I'd never leave Yoongi and that I'll always be the same, so this old Y/n was only for him to see. But he left and took that promise with him. 

I've seen movies where one sided love, a failed first love, or breakup causes a person to break on the inside, always showing rainy days and no smiles. But even after watching these movies, I can guarantee, a broken trust and a broken friendship is ten times worse. I dragged my feet back to my apartment and unlocked the door. Today was officially the last day of university for this year. Just one more freaking year and I'll be done with education for good. As soon as I stepped into my house I heard the phone ring.

"Mmm omma." I balanced the phone in between my shoulder and ear and began setting down my backpack, spilling all of its contents on my coffee table and placing them safely in a suitcase next to my foot. I was moving to Korea this weekend. My parents have been bugging me to come back and my request for studying in the Korean branch of my university was approved so I was getting ready for the big move. Honestly I missed the Seoul air so much, the familiar streets, Daegu, food, I missed it all. But wherever I go, I remembers the stupid fool that packed up and left me without a word.

"Y/n!" My mom squealed through the phone.

"What?" I said worriedly. The tone my mom using was NEVER a good sign.

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