정국: 놀람 (Part 3)

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"Y/n! We're here!" I looked up from my phone and I did a double take

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"Y/n! We're here!" I looked up from my phone and I did a double take. It was a venue

"Woah! You guys are taking me to a concert?" I asked. The guys smiled knowingly.

"What?" I looked at them suspiciously.

"Nothing. Come on Y/n, we're going to be late!" Taehyung placed his hand on the small of my back and gently nudged me to the now open door. I decided I wouldn't bother with questions right now and ruin the moment. I smiled and got out of the car. Cameras were flashing and a bunch of fan girls and fan boys were stationed at the door. I stood in front of the limo with my mouth open, trying to understand how we would get in.

"Come here baby." Jungkook took my hand and quietly left the scene before they noticed us. Going in through the back, a bunch of staff members rushed towards us.

"Boys, your two minutes behind schedule get moving! At this rate we won't have time for the announcement.

"Y/n we got to go, the staff members will lead you to a special room oaky?" Jungkook kissed me on the cheek. I barely had enough time to nod my head before a cute girl grabbed my arm and Jungkook disappeared.

"Happy birthday unnie! Follow me." The girl looked to be really young. I smiled and said thank you. She led me to a secluded room.

"Stay here unnie." She said disappearing out of the room. I nodded and looked around. A bunch of food was on the table and balloons were everywhere.

"Happy birthday again Y/n! The food is all yours since I know you like food :)" 

Jungkook's boyish handwriting caught my eye. I smiled grabbing a plate and filling it to the brim with sweets and other junk food. I slowly took of my heels and sat comfortably on the huge lounge couch. A big flat screen tv was showcasing the performance live. For now the only thing I could see were that the fans were filtering in. I smiled. Eating quietly I sat obediently and watched the seven boys that I loved perform. All I could say after the performance was over is that they are RUDE. Those bipolar pieces of...

"ARMY!!!" Namjoon shouted through the mic. The other members were drinking water and slowly wiping of there sweat. I smiled.

"Thank you for coming here on this cold night! Please don't get a cold!" Jimin did a little bit of aegyo and the crowd went wild. I put a hand over my heart to calm my rapid heartbeat as well. I wouldn't mind being in the crowd screaming my lungs out with all the people that loved the guys as much as I did.

"Today is a very special show." Taehyung smiled and the crowd went wild again.

"We know ARMYs are one of the most amazing fandoms in the world, you guys love us and take care of us as much as our own families. We would like to ask for you guys to understand this next piece of news through. We love you all equally but as seven humans we have our own lives." Jungkook continued cheekily. I furrowed my eyebrows, was it bad news? I nibbled my nails nervously.

"Today I have with me a very special person." My eyes widened.

"Unnie." The cute girl was back again. She urgently motioned for me to come towards her. I shook my head wanting to watch it. She rolled her eyes and walked in to the room grabbing my arms.

"Come on you're going to miss your big moment." I groaned slipping on my high heels and following her. She led me to backstage and I was confused.

"A few years ago, I met a very noisy and crazy girl. The first time I saw her I told myself not to get involved because she looked like she was too much to handle. Unexpectedly I got to know her. She loves horror movies even though it scares the pants off of her, she has a weakness for any junk food, she doesn't like morning kisses. Turns out, she's one of the best things that happened to my life. So ARMYs, I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend." The crowd went wild. I heard it all through the intercom and I blinked rapidly willing the tears to not to flow. The short girl pushed me on to a lifting part of the stage.

"Good luck unnie!" She gave me a thumbs up and before I could prepare myself. I was up on stage. Jungkook was smiling at me.

"Come on Y/n." He whispered. I wobbled slowly to him. The camera focused on my face. I didn't what to do and tried hard not to bury my face in his chest until we got off of stage. Hobi handed me a mic.

"Uhh.." I stood stupidly facing the crowd. I looked at the guys and they smiled at me approvingly and lovingly.

"Go on.." Jungkook whispered soothingly in my ear. Taking a deep breathe and wishing I payed more attention in my public speaking classes I opened my mouth.

"Hello everyone. Uhh.. I'm Jungkook's girlfriend.. I honestly didn't think we were going public today. It was a surprise for my birthday." I smiled. I gripped the mic harder. I was shaking with nervousness. The arena was dead silent waiting for my every word. Jungkook rubbed my back and I felt comforted. Mustering up all the courage I had I continued.

"I know you guys are the whole reason these seven men smile and do what they are good at everyday. I want to personally thank yo for taking care of our boys. I know publicity is going to be hard, because some of you may not see me fit, and honestly I don't even know how I deserve any of these boys. So thank you to all that support Bangtan, thank you to all the people who will support my relationship from now, and to the people who don't, I'll try hard to get you on my side. Thank you and uhh.. I love you." I ended handing the mic back to Jungkook and bowing. The crowd cheered and I smiled. After saying a few more things a huge burst of confetti floated around, marking the end of the concert. Jungkook kissed me on the forehead and hugged me. I hugged back.

"I love you." He whispered. My heart lurched. He beat me to it.

"I love you too." I said. I never forgot the smile on his face after I said it without hesitation. 

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