지민 : 젓가락

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"Fudge." I stared at the screen. Jimin and I recently started dating but I have been avoiding eating with him. I was hiding a very embarrassing secret and I really didn't want him to leave me as soon as we started dating. I think he noticed it too, his text pretty much said "we're going out to eat, I'm hungry." I didn't have a chance to avoid eating with him anymore. I think I'm completely screwed now. I moped around until an hour before Jimin said he would come pick me up. I trudged to my closet and looked at my options. I pouted again, nothing good.

After wasting my time for another ten minutes I finally decided on blue jeans and a baby pink sweater. My panicked state finally settled in after getting ready.

"Shit." I mumbled. How the hell am I going to eat with Jimin? I broke out in sweat and I hyperventilated more at the thought of my makeup melting off with the sweat. I turned on the ceiling fan and got some cold water. It's going to be okay Y/n, you got this.

I've lost it.

I had the ceiling fan turned on in the middle of winter, I was drinking iced water when there was still snow outside, and I was giving myself a pep talk by looking at myself in a mirror. What the fuck Y/n? I slapped my forehead right before I heard the knock on my doar.

"Y/n! Are you ready?" I heard Jimin call out. As soon as the fact that he was here settled in I lunged for my couch and curled up in a ball. I didn't want to, God I was so embarrassed and I didn't even tell him my secret.

"Y/n! You okay?" He called out again. I took a deep breathe and grabbed my purse. I'm going to have to act like I know what I'm doing. Come on Y/n, you're non existent love life finally became existent and it's going to be gone as quickly as it arrived.

"Hey." I smiled shakily when I opened there.

"Hey." Jimin smiled sweetly at me and pecked my cheek. My cheeks warmed and I looked down shyly.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded. I closed the door behind me and Jimin slung an arm around my shoulder.

"How's everything?" I smiled.

"Better now that you're here." I said honestly. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"I should have dated you earlier." He said cheekily as he opened the car door for me. I turned red and quickly slid into the front seat before he could see. I could hear him laugh as he walked around and sat down in the driver's seat.

"You forgot your seatbelt." He motioned. I looked down, how'd it even slip my mind? Before I could reach over and buckle up, Jimin reached over and began buckling up my seat belt. I blushed as he kept his eye contact. As soon as he was done he pecked my nose.

"You're so cute." He giggled. I smiled softly to myself.

"You're not curious as to which restaurant I'm talking to you?" He asked as he hummed out the tune of the radio. I shook my head.

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