before one pt. 1

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(this follows the anime only)


It was the middle of a busy year for all Salt Middle School's rumbling students. Every day for them was a living hell, and as far as they know, middle school's only a fraction as stressful as what they would experience in one to three years (i.e high school).

Meet Bob, he's your average Japanese middle-schooler.  Standing tall at an ordinary 165.5cm(about 5'5) body in height, he grabs his black backpack covered in stickers of his current waifu, and heads to school. 

Too preoccupied with the latest update of his favorite ecchi manga, he forgot to say goodbye to his mother, who was left staring sadly at the door, wondering what went wrong in her life.

The travel to his school was just like any other day, boring but efficient. He assumed that this formula of events would continue throughout the day, and decided to speed-walk his way to Class 2-3 in an effort to get the walking over and done with.

"Oh, s-sorry. I didn't see you there," a soft voice spoke.

Someone had bumped into Bob as he was making his way to the classroom, effectively ticking him off. He clenched his fists, getting ready to shout at the assailant but was stopped by the view of an unfamiliar girl. Her eyes were shut tightly as if expecting a punch from the boy and her hands visibly trembling.

t w o   p e r c e n t

A pang of guilt went through his chest just as a wave of red spread throughout his cheeks.

She was wearing the school's uniform and looked to be around his age. He's never seen her before though, a new student perhaps?

"No, it's okay," his hand went to the back of his neck as he assured her that it was fine.

The girl, who you should now know as /firstname/ /lastname/ slowly opened her eyes. Even after Bob's comforting words, she still couldn't get rid of the terror she felt after seeing his clenched fists. After all, she was new to the environment, and making an enemy on her first day couldn't possibly be an ideal situation for her.

She was home-schooled for most of her life, leading to her poor social skills. Keyword: poor. It's not like she hasn't tried being everyone's favorite social butterfly, it's just that she fails at everything she does that involves other people.

"By the way, I'm Bob. What's your name?"

As if she was a trained circus animal, /name/ immediately bowed, "I'm /firstname/ /lastname/! A transferee from Pepper Middle School!"

Bob twitched, partly because the sudden shout scared him, and partly because of her sudden change in decorum. He held out two palms facing her, a gesture to calm her down, "You don't have to bow, /name/-san."

"O-oh I see then," /name/ stuttered. The bell rang as she was speaking, rendering her usually quiet voice almost mute.

She awkwardly grabbed his sweaty hands and shook it unenthusiastically, then walked away without another word.

Bob was left wet(from the sweat), in confusion, and in a newly-found infatuation.

On the other hand, /name/ was left wandering the halls of the maze that was Salt Middle School, searching for her classroom. Ten minutes of this passed by until she finally stumbled across the room that was class 2-1.

A smile made its way to her lips after she finally reached her destination, but gradually faded while she paced back and forth in the empty hallway, trying to decide whether it would be best to enter through the room through the front door- which would attract the attention of everyone and make her uncomfortable to no end, or go through the back door- letting her easily sneak inside but would leave her in confusion as to where to sit and what to do.

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