seventeen : sun kissed

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"I'm sorry for not being there when you woke up," Mob apologized, sitting on an empty table in the cafeteria near an open window. He looked at the girl next to him, who was burying her head in her arms.

"Where were you?" /name/ asked tiredly, not bothering to lift her head from her arms.

"Well," Mob grabbed the back of his neck, "I was getting food."

Suddenly, the sweet scent of delicious food filled the gloomy cafeteria. /name/ jumped with a surge of energy from the smell of food. Her jaw dropped as an entire buffet floated its way into the cafeteria. Cakes, ice cream, chicken, pasta, and all sorts of delicacies circled around their table before gently landing in front of the starving /name/.

The girl gazed at Mob in confusion and admiration, "You bought this for me?"

Mob blushed, "N-not exactly. It's from your fanclub, we were supposed to throw a celebratory party when you win."

"Oh," /name/ dropped her shoulders, "So I can't eat it then?"

'Cutie,' the boy smiled at her, "Of course you can."

n i n e t y n i n e p e r c e n t

/name/ burst into tears as she gobbled up an entire tub of ice cream. "I-I'm sorry for making you go through all that trouble."

"Please don't look at me," she pleaded, wiping her tears with one hand and shoving a spoonful of cake into her mouth with the other.

"It's fine. Just let it all out," Mob chuckled, 'You're beautiful even when you cry.'

"W-why are you so kind," she cried, "I-it's making me c-cry and crying in front of you makes me cry even more a-and I don't wanna cry anymore!"

Mob stifled a laugh, 'This girl..'

"/name/! Is that you?!" A voice who they both recognized shouted from a close distance. Mob's eye twitched at the sound of the voice while /name/ freezed, dropping a cake-soaked silver spoon on the ground.

"Oh no, it's Mon," /name/ panicked, quickly packing up the food and preparing to leave, "I-I have to get out of here. He can't see me like this."

Mob frowned slightly, "You're gonna leave now?"

/name/ stopped packing and looked at the boy with an unreadable gaze. Mob gulped, slightly getting the creeps from her stare as the the girl slowly walked towards him.

"W-what are you doing?" Mob chuckled nervously, feeling overwhelmed by her scent as she was only inches in front of him.

/name/ smiled at the boy, grabbing his hand and making the young esper blush furiously. It was unknown why everything in the cafeteria started to shake as if there was a big earthquake exactly right after their hands made contact.

"Are you gonna kiss me?" He breathed out.

/name/ blinked, "What- no!" She shook her head, "I'm sorry for this," she said before pushing the boy out of the open window.

"What do you-" Mob gasped as he fell two floors down, luckily catching himself right before his body hit the ground. He remained laying on the ground as he used an arm to cover his eyes, turning red in both embarrassment and confusion.

He sighed heavily before fixing his clothes and looking back up at the cafeteria window, "/name/! You're lucky I'm an esper! You shouldn't go around pushing people out windows-"

"TAKE THE FOOD WITH YOU!" He was caught off guard when /name/ began to throw food out the window one by one. Mob immediately used his telekinetic powers to save the food from being litter on the ground. Finally catching the last item of food, which was a box of spicy chicken wings, the boy turned to look at the cafeteria window preparing to scold the girl, "That was reckless, /name/!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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