ten : we get what we deserve

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"Are you sure about that?"

Finn scratched his head, "How many times do I have to say it. I can't do jacksh** about it. Bringing back the auditions for IAAAA queen would be impossible since /name/ was chosen directly by the board of directors."

Finn Yamamoto was a third year in Salt Middle School, and also a member of its beloved student council. He was tiredly leaning on a chair in the school's announcement room, surrounded by five temperamental first-year girls that was composed of his sister, Aki Yamamoto, and her group of friends.

The girls before him stomped their feet in annoyance and clicked their tongues, texting away on their expensive phones while wearing even more expensive accessories, "And are you absolutely sure?"

The student council member grabbed his red hair in frustration, "Get out."

Aki whined, "But you promised us that one of us would get it!"

"Lower your voice," he whispered angrily, "That was before, when auditions were a thing. It's impossible now."

Dylan slammed her fist on the table, "I bet that bit** asked her mother to bribe the greedy board of directors. What a cheat."

Finn crossed his arms, "Like you girls weren't planning to cheat using me."

"By the way," Aki changed the topic, "Do you know anything about Mon Hisaka?"

The boy nervously gulped, his blue eyes widening, "Why? Did he do something to you?" 

"No," the girl rolled her slightly brighter pair of blue eyes, "Is he really dating /name/?"

Finn pursed his lips, "Well that would explain a lot. But I don't know. Stay away from that guy," he warned them, "He's bad news."


"There you are you little cheat," an unfriendly hand went around /name/'s shoulders.

/name/ instinctively took a step back and tried to run out the door immediately but she was stopped by another one of her bloodthirsty bullies.

Two girls circled around /name/, clicking their heels against the tiles of the cold bathroom floor while doing their best to try to give their favorite new classmate a hard time to adjust.

"What do you want from me now," /name/ whined, sick of their actions.

Dylan narrowed her green eyes at the /color/-haired girl, "How much was it?"

"How much was what?"

/name/ didn't receive a response as the girls shifted their attention from her to the large mirror behind her and started checking themselves out. 

Aki ran a hand through her long red hair as she glared at /name/'s reflection, "Don't play dumb with us."

"I literally don't know what you're talking about," /name/ mumbled, "But I bet it isn't as much as your narcissism."

"Narci-what?" Dylan asked, reapplying her lipstick. "Whatever, how much did your mommy pay the school to get you to be the muse?"

/name/'s eyes widened, "I honestly have no idea." 

She knew it was entirely possible for her mom to be the culprit behind all this as the woman was more than capable of it. She just didn't expect that Anastasia would do something as ridiculous as this and not warn or lecture her beforehand. 

"I turned down the offer," /name/ told them, "Stop bothering me for something I don't even want."

"Well boo-hoo," the girls mocked, "We wouldn't even look at you if you weren't so annoying."

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