extra : no reason to interfere

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Every day after the last bell rings at Salt Middle School, all sorts of events transpire. Some being very big, creating a chain of events that stems months into the future and some as small as a first-year tripping and falling down the stairs. This very day was special because three big events were happening simultaneously, changing the future of every student at Salt Middle School.

Located at the abandoned alleyways beside the school buildings was one of these big events, and unsurprisingly, it was also caused by the same person that caused the last huge event, the whole issue of PMS taxes.

"What did you just say?" Mon asked with slight aggression.

In front of him were a group of 3rd years, one of which was part of the student council. The air was tense and everyone just wanted to go home.

Their leader, a boy named Fin answered carefully, "Apparently, she was seen arguing with five girls from her class-"

"And no one stopped them?!"

Fin flinched, "They were only talking and one of the girls did raise her voice, but that isn't a valid reason to interfere-"

"You aren't a valid reason for the existence of dumbasses! Tell me, didn't you f****** notice the difference between five and one?! B**** I bet if you went up against those five h*** you wouldn't stand a chance-" As a few kids from the back tried hard to hold in their chuckles, Mon's eyes widened, the color of his iris changing drastically from pure white to a piercing blue.

"Hold on, what were the names of these bi-" he coughed, "Girls?"

Fin froze, unable to speak as he looked to his friend for help, avoiding the gaze of the teen at the center of everyone's attention. Behind him was Nicki, a fellow 10th grader that was dragged into this mess by her friend who wanted to double date with a couple of class troublemakers. Nicki stood there for about ten minutes trying to piece together how the hell a 14-year-old was standing in the middle of Salt Middle School's oldest gang, talking their asses off about some girl and not getting beat up in the process.

"Ok what the hell is going on?? Who in the name of god are you-" she pointed at Mon, who had an eyebrow raised, "-and why the hell are all of you-" she pointed at the gang, whose eyes were all widened in horror, "-taking in all of this nonsense about bullying in 7th grade?!"

The guy who was supposed to be her date, and was standing behind her fainted. Silence ensued.

Mon sighed exasperatedly, "You-" he pointed towards some random guys at the back, "-take them-" he pointed towards Nicki and the guy that just fainted, "and get the hell out of here."

The guys from the back sighed in relief and punched the air happily until they saw Mon's glare. One of them quickly carried the boy who fainted, and the other one dragging Nicki away with a hand over her mouth- trying to shut her up from asking a barrage of questions.

"Their names are Dylan Sato, Aki Yamamoto-"

"Aha!" The white haired boy exclaimed sarcastically, "Nice job covering things up for your sister, Fin Yamamoto."

Fin fainted.

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